doi: 10.11999/JEIT210059
中國科學(xué)院空天信息創(chuàng)新研究院 北京 100190
中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)電子電氣與通信工程學(xué)院 北京 100049
A Parallelism Strategy Optimization Search Algorithm Based on Three-dimensional Deformable CNN Acceleration Architecture
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
School of Electronic, Electrical, and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Beijing 100049, China
摘要: 現(xiàn)場可編程門陣列(FPGA)被廣泛應(yīng)用于卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)(CNN)的硬件加速中。為優(yōu)化加速器性能,Qu等人(2021)提出了一種3維可變換的CNN加速結(jié)構(gòu),但該結(jié)構(gòu)使得并行度探索空間爆炸增長,搜索最優(yōu)并行度的時間開銷激增,嚴(yán)重降低了加速器實(shí)現(xiàn)的可行性。為此該文提出一種細(xì)粒度迭代優(yōu)化的并行度搜索算法,該算法通過多輪迭代的數(shù)據(jù)篩選,高效地排除冗余的并行度方案,壓縮了超過99%的搜索空間。同時算法采用剪枝操作刪減無效的計算分支,成功地將計算所需時長從106 h量級減少到10 s內(nèi)。該算法可適用于不同規(guī)格型號的FPGA芯片,其搜索得到的最優(yōu)并行度方案性能突出,可在不同芯片上實(shí)現(xiàn)平均(R1, R2)達(dá)(0.957, 0.962)的卓越計算資源利用率。
- 現(xiàn)場可編程門陣列 /
- 卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò) /
- 硬件加速
Abstract: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is widely used in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) hardware acceleration. For better performance, a three-dimensional transformable CNN acceleration structure is proposed by Qu et al (2021). However, this structure brings an explosive growth of the parallelism strategy exploration space, thus the time cost to search the optimal parallelism has surged, which reduces severely the feasibility of accelerator implementation. To solve this issue, a fine-grained iterative optimization parallelism search algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm uses multiple rounds of iterative data filtering to eliminate efficiently the redundant parallelism schemes, compressing more than 99% of the search space. At the same time, the algorithm uses pruning operation to delete invalid calculation branches, and reduces successfully the calculation time from 106 h to less than 10 s. The algorithm can achieve outstanding performance in different kinds of FPGAs, with an average computing resource utilization (R1, R2) up to (0.957, 0.962). -
表 1 AlexNet網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)
層 Nin Nout SIZEin SIZEout SIZEker Stride Npad CONV1 3 96 227 55 11 4 0 POOL1 96 96 55 27 3 2 0 CONV2 48 256 27 27 5 1 2 POOL2 256 256 27 13 3 2 0 CONV3 256 384 13 13 3 1 1 CONV4 192 384 13 13 3 1 1 CONV5 192 256 13 13 3 1 1 POOL5 256 256 13 6 3 2 0 FC1 9216 4096 1 1 – – – FC2 4096 4096 1 1 – – – FC3 4096 1000 1 1 – – – 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 3 細(xì)粒度并行度迭代算法
輸入:片上可用DSP數(shù)#DSPlimit、可用BRAM數(shù)量#BRAMlimit、CNN網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)及α, β 輸出:Parain,Paraout及Paraseg (1) 計算各層計算量#OPi與網(wǎng)絡(luò)總計算量#OPtotal之比γi。 (2) 按照計算量分布比例將片上可用DSP分配給各層,各層分配到的DSP數(shù)#DSPialloc←γi·#DSPtotal (3)根據(jù)計算總量和計算資源總數(shù),算出理論最小計算周期數(shù)#cyclebaseline。 (4) 第i層,遍歷Parain,Paraout及ROWout的所有離散可行取值(即3者定義域形成的笛卡兒積),生成全組合情況下的并行度參數(shù)配置
集S0i,計算對應(yīng)的#cyclei、#BRAMi與#DSPi。(5) 篩選滿足α, β約束的數(shù)據(jù)集Si。 Si←select ele from S0i where (#cyclei/#cyclebaseline in [1–α,1+α] and #DSPi/#DSPialloc in [1–β,1+β]) (6)數(shù)據(jù)粗篩,集合S’i:任意相鄰的兩個元素不存在“KO”偏序關(guān)系。 for i in range(5): orders←[(cycle, dsp, bram), (dsp, cycle, bram), (bram, cycle, dsp)] for k in range(3): Si.sort_ascend_by(orders[k]) p←0 for j in range(1, size(Si)): if σj KO σp then Si.drop(σp), p←j else Si.drop(σj) S’i←Si (7)數(shù)據(jù)精篩,集合Ti:任意兩個元素不存在“KO”偏序關(guān)系。 for i in range(5): S’i.sort_ascend_by((cycle,dsp,bram)) for j in range(1, size(S’i)): for k in range(j): if σk KO σj then S’i.drop(σj), break Ti←S’i (8)搜索剪枝。 maxCycle←INT_MAX, dspUsed←0, bramUsed←0 def calc(i): if i==5 then update(maxCycle) return for j in range(size(Ti)): tmpDsp←dspUsed+dspji, tmpBram←bramUsed+bramji if not(tmpDsp>dspTotal or tmpBram>bramTotal or cycleji≥maxCycle) then dspUsed←tmpDsp, bramUsed←tmpBram calc(i+1) dspUsed←tmpDsp-dspji, bramUsed←tmpBram-bramji else continue calc(0) (9)選出maxCycle(即min{max{#cyclei}})對應(yīng)的并行度元素,輸出約束條件下最優(yōu)并行度的參數(shù)信息。 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 4 不同規(guī)格FPGA上AlexNet加速器資源利用率、計算量與計算時長
FPGA型號 DSP資源數(shù) R1 R2 原始計算量 壓縮比(%) 執(zhí)行時間(s) Arria10 GT 1150 1518 0.987 0.989 5.683×107 99.892 1.544 KU060 2760 0.947 0.951 3.026×108 99.979 6.444 Virtex7 VX485T 2800 0.936 0.941 9.903×108 99.994 5.841 Virtex7 VX690T 3600 0.960 0.967 2.082×108 99.998 2.775 KCU1500 5520 0.955 0.962 5.772×109 99.999 8.115 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 5 AlexNet加速器性能對比
型號 文獻(xiàn)[4] 文獻(xiàn)[11] 文獻(xiàn)[12] 文獻(xiàn)[8] 本文 量化位寬 16 bit定點(diǎn) 16 bit定點(diǎn) 16 bit定點(diǎn) 16 bit定點(diǎn) 16 bit定點(diǎn) 頻率(MHz) 250/500 200 150 220 230 FPGA型號 KCU1500 Arria10GX1150 ZynqXC7Z045 KCU1500 KCU1500 吞吐率(GOP/s) 2335.4 584.8 137.0 1633.0 2425.5 性能功耗比(GOP/s/W) 37.31 無數(shù)據(jù) 14.21 72.31 62.35 資源利用率(R1, R2) (0.42, 0.55) (0.48, 0.48) (0.51, 0.59) (0.67, 0.76) (0.96, 0.96) 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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