doi: 10.11999/JEIT200002
中國人民解放軍戰(zhàn)略支援部隊信息工程大學(xué) 鄭州 450002
移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)安全技術(shù)國家工程實驗室 北京 100876
Development of Wireless Physical Layer Key Generation Technology and New Challenges
PLA Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
National Engineering Laboratory for Mobile Network Security, Beijing 100876, China
摘要: 物理層安全技術(shù)從信息論安全理論出發(fā),保障通信安全,是實現(xiàn)安全與通信一體化的關(guān)鍵手段,逐漸成為國內(nèi)外研究熱點。該文圍繞無線通信物理層密鑰生成技術(shù)研究,主要聚焦在物理層密鑰生成技術(shù)的理論模型,機制機理和研究現(xiàn)狀,重點對比分析了兩種不同類型密鑰生成算法,即源型密鑰生成算法和信道型密鑰生成算法的區(qū)別和聯(lián)系,揭示了物理層密鑰技術(shù)利用通信信道內(nèi)在安全屬性促進通信安全的實質(zhì)。特別地,該文給出了一種可行的物理層密鑰生成5G工程實現(xiàn)框架。最后,該文展望了物理層密鑰生成技術(shù)未來可能的研究方向。
- 物理層密鑰生成技術(shù) /
- 源型密鑰生成算法 /
- 信道型密鑰生成算法 /
- 5G工程實現(xiàn)框架
Abstract: Physical layer security technology secures wireless communications based on information security theory, which is the key means to realize the integration of security and communication, and has become gradually a research hotspot at home and abroad. The research of key generation technology in the physical layer of wireless communication is studied, mainly focusing on the theoretical model, mechanism and research status of key generation technologies. Through the comparison and analysis of the two different types of key generation algorithms, that is, the source key generation algorithm and the channel key generation algorithm, the essence of physical layer key technologies using communication channel’s inherent security attributes to promote communication security is revealed. In particular, a feasible physical layer key generation 5G engineering implementation framework is presented. Finally, the possible future research directions of physical layer key generation technologies is prospected. -
表 2 源型密鑰生成步驟
步驟 功能 方法 目標 共享隨機源獲取 為密鑰生成提供密鑰源 互易信道
高效量化 將共享隨機源量化為序列 等概量化
量化序列隨機性好信息協(xié)商 刪除或糾正錯誤比特 Cascade方法
信息泄露少隱私放大 保證密鑰安全性和隨機性 私密信息抽取器
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