doi: 10.11999/JEIT190969
重慶郵電大學(xué)通信與信息工程學(xué)院 重慶 400065
重慶郵電大學(xué)移動通信技術(shù)重點實驗室 重慶 400065
Reliable Deployment Algorithm of Service Function Chain Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
Key Laboratory of Mobile Communication Technology, Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
- 網(wǎng)絡(luò)虛擬化 /
- 服務(wù)功能鏈 /
- 可靠性 /
- 深度強化學(xué)習(xí)
Abstract:In view of the current deployment of the Service Function Chain (SFC), the failure importance of the Virtual Network Function (VNF) is not considered,an SFC reliable deployment algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. Firstly, a reliable mapping model of VNF and virtual links is establised, high reliability requirements is set for important VNFs, and the reliability requirements of virtual links is ensured as much as possible through link deployment length restrictions. Secondly, taking load balancing as the resource coordination principle, joint optimization the VNF reliability is jointly optimized. Finally, the deep reinforcement learning is used to get the service function chain deployment strategy. In addition, node backup and link backup strategies based on importance are proposed to deal with situations where VNF/link reliability is difficult to meet during deployment. Simulation results show that the reliable deployment algorithm in this paper can effectively reduce the failure SFC loss on the basis of ensuring the reliability requirements, and at the same time make the virtual network more stable and reliable.
表 1 基于深度強化學(xué)習(xí)的服務(wù)功能鏈可靠部署算法
算法1 基于深度強化學(xué)習(xí)的服務(wù)功能鏈可靠部署算法 經(jīng)驗回放池初始化為空,隨機初始化主網(wǎng)絡(luò)的參數(shù),并復(fù)制給目標(biāo)網(wǎng)絡(luò),探尋環(huán)境信息基于式(6)~式(9)得到${w_I}$,${u'_k}$ for episode=1, 2, ···, E do 初始化狀態(tài)為${{{s}}_1} = \{ {{{B}}_{{\rm{left}}}}{{,}}{{{C}}_{{\rm{left}}}}{{,}}{{}_{{\rm{map}}}}{{,}}{{{c}}_{{\rm{map}}}}\} $, ${{}_{{\rm{map}}}}{{,}}{{{c}}_{{\rm{map}}}}$為空 for t=1,2…D do 確定可選動作集${N'_{k{n_i}}}$, ${N''_{k{n_i}}}$隨機產(chǎn)生0到1的數(shù)$\tau $ if $\tau < \varepsilon $:先從${ {{N'} }_{k{n_i} } }$中選擇動作${a_t}$,若為空則根據(jù)算法2在${ {{N''} }_{k{n_i} } }$中選擇${a_t}$,都無動作選擇則${a_t}$為空 else:依據(jù)主神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)估值${\pi ^*}(s) = {{\arg }}\max\limits_{a'} Q({{{s}}_t},{{{a'}}_t})$選取動作。end if 執(zhí)行動作${{{a}}_t}$,獲得獎勵${r_t}$、下一狀態(tài)${{{s}}_{t + 1}}$,將向量$[{{{s}}_t},{{{a}}_t},{r_t},{{{s}}_{t + 1}}]$放入經(jīng)驗回放池。 隨機取出小批量樣本向量$[{{{s}}_t},{{{a}}_t},{r_t},{{{s}}_{t + 1}}]$組成樣本向量集${\upsilon _t}$ for $[{{{s}}_t},{{{a}}_t},{r_t},{{{s}}_{t + 1}}]$ in ${\upsilon _t}$ do $L{{(}}\theta {{)}} = {(\tilde Q({{{s}}_t},{{{a}}_t}|{\theta ^ - }) - Q({{{s}}_t},{{{a}}_t}|\theta ))^2}$,$\theta \leftarrow \theta - {\lambda _{{\rm{SGD}}}}\nabla L(\theta )$ end for 在θ更新T次后將主網(wǎng)絡(luò)參數(shù)復(fù)制給目標(biāo)網(wǎng)絡(luò)。end for end for 通過主網(wǎng)絡(luò)得到每個VNF的策略${\pi ^*}(s)$ if累計獎勵$Q({s_t},{a_t}) < - 100$:拒絕該請求 else if 部署結(jié)果不滿足鏈路可靠性需求:執(zhí)行算法3 end if 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 2 基于虛擬網(wǎng)絡(luò)功能重要度節(jié)點備份算法
算法2:基于虛擬網(wǎng)絡(luò)功能重要度的節(jié)點備份算法 初始化節(jié)點部署方案$g'(v_I^k)$為空 repeat: if ${\omega _I} < 1/D$:搜尋${N''_{k{n_i}}}$已作為備份節(jié)點的節(jié)點集$V_{I'}^k$ if $V_{I'}^k$非空:$g'(v_I^k)$←從$V_{I'}^k$中尋找備份節(jié)點,從${{{N''}}_{k{n_i}}}/V_{I'}^k$中尋
點,另一備份。endifuntil $RN(g'(v_I^k)) > {(R_k^{{\rm{req}}})^{{w_I}}}$or 已遍歷所有組合 return 節(jié)點部署方案$g'(v_I^k)$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 3 基于鏈路備份重要度的鏈路備份算法
算法3:基于鏈路備份重要度的鏈路備份算法 基于$\gamma _{I,J}^k$對虛擬鏈路鏈路$l_{I,J}^k \in L_v^k$排序 for 排過序的鏈路鏈路$l_{I,J}^k \in L_v^k$ if 鏈路可靠性不滿足: 確定$l_{I,J}^k$映射的段物理起始節(jié)點${n_i}$和終止節(jié)點${n_j}$:${p_{I,J}}$ $p{{ = \{ }}{\ell _{i,j}}|{L'_{k{l_{i,j}}}}/{p_{I,J}}\} $,部署方案增加鏈路P else: break end for return 部署方案 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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