doi: 10.11999/JEIT190740
空軍預警學院預警情報系 武漢 430019
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61271451)
A Compressed Sensing Method for Joint Radar and Communication System Based on OFDM-IM Signal
Department of Early Warning Intelligence, Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan 430019, China
Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61271451)
摘要: 針對在雷達通信一體化(RadCom)系統(tǒng)中正交頻分復用(OFDM)共享信號通信速率不高、可靠性較差的問題,該文提出一種采用子載波索引調制(IM)的OFDM共享信號方案(OFDM-IM)以及對應的基于壓縮感知(CS)的雷達信號處理算法。該方案在發(fā)射端采用IM調制增強OFDM信號通信質量,在雷達接收端采用CS技術獲取目標的距離-速度2維超分辨圖像,進一步采用快速分段重構、2次相參積累的方法降低算法的計算復雜度。仿真實驗表明,相比于傳統(tǒng)算法,該方法能顯著提升對OFDM-IM共享信號的處理性能,并實現超低距離副瓣,是一種能夠同時增強雷達與通信性能的一體化共享信號方案。Abstract: Considering the problems of low communication rate and poor reliability of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals in joint Radar and Communication (RadCom) system, a subcarrier Index Modulation (IM) based OFDM RadCom signal scheme (OFDM-IM) and a corresponding radar signal processing algorithm based on Compressed Sensing (CS) are proposed in this paper. In the scheme, IM modulation is adopted at the transmitting end to enhance the communication quality of OFDM signal, CS technology is adopted at the radar receiving end to obtain the range-velocity 2-D super resolution image of radar targets, and the method of rapid piecewise reconstruction and second phase-coherent accumulation are further adopted to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm. Simulation results show that, compared with the traditional algorithm, this method can significantly improve the processing performance of OFDM-IM RadCom signal and realize ultra-low side lobe in distance, which means the proposed scheme is able to enhance the performance of radar and communication in the same time.
表 1 OFDM信號參數
信號參數 取值 載波頻率 2.4 GHz 信號帶寬 20 MHz 脈沖寬度 26.8 μs OFDM數據段長度 25.6 μs 循環(huán)前綴長度 1.2 μs 子載波數 512 相參積累的脈沖數 64 下載: 導出CSV
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