doi: 10.11999/JEIT190439
重慶郵電大學通信與信息工程學院移動通信技術重點實驗室 重慶 400065
重慶大學光電工程學院 重慶 400044
Joint Congestion Control and Resource Allocation Dynamic Scheduling Strategy for Network Slices in Heterogeneous Cloud Raido Access Network
Key Laboratory of Mobile Communication Technology, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
School of Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
- 異構云無線接入網(wǎng)絡 /
- 網(wǎng)絡切片 /
- 資源分配 /
- 李雅普諾夫隨機優(yōu)化
Abstract:For online dynamic radio resources optimization for network slices in Heterogeneous Cloud Raido Access Network (H-CRAN), by comprehensively considering traffic admission control, congestion control, resource allocation and reuse, the problem is formulated as a stochastic optimization programming which maximizes network average total throughput subject to Base Station (BS) transmit power, system stability, Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of different slices and resource allocation constraints. Then, a joint congestion control and resource allocation dynamic scheduling algorithm is proposed which will dynamically allocate resources to users in network slices with distinct performance requirements within each resource scheduling time slot. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the network overall throughput while satisfying the QoS requirement of each slice user and maintaining network stability. Besides, it could also flexibly strike a dynamic balance between delay and throughput by simply tuning an introduced control parameter.
表 1 H-CRAN網(wǎng)絡下聯(lián)合擁塞控制和資源分配的網(wǎng)絡切片動態(tài)資源調度算法
(1) 初始化控制參量$V > 0$、各用戶的初始隊列長度${Q_u}(0),\forall u \in {\cal{U}}$和最大時隙數(shù)${T^{\max }}$初始化最大迭代次數(shù)$T_0^{\max }$和允許誤差$\delta $ (2) for $t = 0,1, ··· ,{T^{\max } } - 1$ (3) 根據(jù)式(24)分別計算各用戶當前時隙最優(yōu)的流量接入控制策略 (4) Repeat: (5) 令迭代索引$n = 1$,初始化拉格朗日乘子${{\lambda}} $, ${{\eta }}$和${{\mu}} $ (6) for $s \in {\cal{S}}$ (7) 計算子載波$s$當前時隙(近似)最優(yōu)的子載波復用、分配和功率分配策略${\alpha _s}^*$, ${{\beta}} _s^*$和${{{P}}_s}^*$,進而更新各用戶剩余的排隊隊列長度 (8) 若某用戶$u \in {\cal{U}}$已經獲得了足夠的子載波(即其隊列長度為0),則將其從接下來的子載波分配過程中排除。 (9) 若所有用戶均分配到足夠的子載波,則break (10) end for (11) 根據(jù)得到的(近似)最優(yōu)子載波復用、分配和功率分配策略${\alpha ^*}$, ${\beta ^*}$和${P^*}$計算拉格朗日函數(shù)${\cal{L}}{\left( {\alpha ,\beta ,P,\lambda ,\eta ,\mu } \right)^{(n)}}$ (12) Until$\left| { {\cal{L} }{ {\left( {\alpha ,\beta ,P,\lambda ,\eta ,\mu } \right)}^{(n)} } - {\cal{L} }{ {\left( {\alpha ,\beta ,P,\lambda ,\eta ,\mu } \right)}^{(n - 1)} } } \right| \le \delta $ or $n > T_0^{\max }$, then stop Otherwise, 利用次梯度法更新拉格朗日乘子$\lambda $,
$\eta $和$\mu $,令$n = n + 1$并返回第6步(13) 根據(jù)式(17)更新各用戶在下一時隙的業(yè)務隊列長度 (14) end for (15) 輸出:(近似)最優(yōu)流量接入控制、子載波復用和分配以及功率分配策略$r$, $\alpha $, $\beta $和$P$,${Q_u}(t),\forall u \in {\cal{U}},t$。 下載: 導出CSV
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