doi: 10.11999/JEIT190287
燕山大學信息科學與工程學院 秦皇島 066004
燕山大學里仁學院 秦皇島 066004
河北省計算機虛擬技術與系統(tǒng)集成重點實驗室(燕山大學) 秦皇島 066004
An Adaptive Point-Of-Interest Recommendation Method Based on Check-in Activity and Temporal-Spatial Probabilistic Models
School of Information Science and Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
School of Liren, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Key Laboratory for Computer Virtual Technology and System Integration of Hebei Province (Yanshan University), Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Abstract:Existing Point-Of-Interest (POI) recommendation algorithms lack adaptability for users with different check-in features. To solve this problem, an adaptive POI recommendation method UCA-TS based on User Check-in Activity (UCA) feature and Temporal-Spatial (TS) probabilistic models is proposed. The user check-in activity is extracted using a probabilistic statistical analysis method, and a calculation method of user's inactive and active membership is given. On this basis, one-dimensional power law function and two-dimensional Gaussian kernel density estimation combined with time factor are used to calculate the probability for inactive and active features respectively, and the popularity of POI is incorporated to recommend. This method can adapt to the users' check-in features and reflect the users' check-in temporal-spatial preferences more accurately. The experiments show that the proposed method can effectively improve the recommendation precision and recall.
表 1 自適應興趣點推薦算法(UCA-TS)
輸入:簽到數據集UCall,推薦的目標用戶u,時間槽t; (11) for each l∈L-Lu do 輸出:推薦的top-n興趣點 (12) p1(l|Lu,t’)←1; p2(l|Lu,t’)←0; (1) 使用式(1)計算UCNu,式(3)計算Tu; (13) for each li∈Lu,t’ do (2) k←0; 初始化C={c1, c2}和A={aij}; (14) 計算dli,l和p(l|li); (3) repeat (15) 計算 p1(l|Lu,t’)←p1(l|Lu,t’)×p(l|li); (4) k←k+1; (16) 計算 p2(l|Lu,t’); (5) 更新聚類中心C(k)和A(k-1); (17) end for (6) 更新隸屬度矩陣A(k)和聚類中心C(k); (18) 使用式(20)計算pt(l); (7) until 式(5)收斂 (19) end for (8) 返回au={a1u, a2u}; (20) end for (9) for t’=0 to 23 do (21) 使用式(22)計算Pu,t,l; (10) 使用式(21)計算wt’-t; 使用式(15)—式(17)計算H; (22) 排序Pu,t,l并返回top-n興趣點。 下載: 導出CSV
表 2 LBSNs簽到數據集的統(tǒng)計情況
數據集 簽到數 興趣點數 用戶數 每個用戶訪問地點平均數 每個地點的平均訪問數 每個用戶平均簽到數 簽到密度 Foursquare 194108 5596 2321 46 19 84 0.0149 Gowalla 456905 24236 10162 30 13 45 0.0019 下載: 導出CSV
表 3 Foursquare和Gowalla數據集的不活躍和活躍用戶數據統(tǒng)計
數據集 用戶類別 用戶數量 簽到記錄總數 平均簽到記錄數 平均簽到時間槽數 平均簽到地點數 Foursquare 不活躍用戶 1908 88181 46 12 28 活躍用戶 413 105927 256 19 114 Gowalla 不活躍用戶 9756 304621 31 9 21 活躍用戶 406 152284 375 18 204 下載: 導出CSV
表 4 興趣點推薦算法在兩個數據集上的Fβ指標值(β=1)
數據集 Top-n SK UTE+SE TPR+UM SAMM UCA-TS Foursquare top-5 0.0413 0.0435 0.0555 0.0664 0.0749 top-10 0.0344 0.0356 0.0457 0.0597 0.0669 top-20 0.0245 0.0258 0.0398 0.0520 0.0571 Gowalla top-5 0.0399 0.0425 0.0466 0.0592 0.0663 top-10 0.0313 0.0328 0.0394 0.0551 0.0602 top-20 0.0219 0.0229 0.0283 0.0416 0.0450 下載: 導出CSV
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