doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230
信息工程大學(xué) 鄭州 450001
數(shù)學(xué)工程與先進計算國家重點實驗室 鄭州 450001
Integral Attacks on SIMON64
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract:The SIMON block cipher receives extensive attention since its proposed. With respect to integral attacks, some integral attacks on SIMON32 and SIMON48 are presented by Wang, Fu and Chu et al. In this paper, on the basis of the existing analysis results, the integral attacks on SIMON64 are further studied. Based on known 18-round integral distinguisher presented by Xiang et al., the integral attacks on 25-round SIMON64/128 are presented using meet-in-the-middle and partial-sum techniques. Then the amount of subkeys that need to be guessed during the attack is further reduced by equivalent-subkey technique, and the improved integral attacks on 26-round SIMON64/128 are also presented. Through further analysis, it is found that the higher version of SIMON algorithm has better resistance to integral analysis.
Key words:
- Equivalent-subkey /
- SIMON 64 /
- Meet-in-the-middle /
- Partial-sum /
- Integral attacks
表 1 計算
$ \oplus \left( {{X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {24} \right\}}}} \right)$ 的復(fù)雜度步驟 猜測密鑰(比特數(shù)) 統(tǒng)計狀態(tài)(比特數(shù)) 時間復(fù)雜度 (1) ${K_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24) ${X_{24,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19),
${Y_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24)${2^{24} } \cdot {2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {24} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{81.94} }$ (2) ${K_{23,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19) ${X_{2{\rm{3}},\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14),
${Y_{23,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19)${2^{43} } \cdot {2^{43} } \cdot \dfrac{ {19} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{80.61} }$ (3) ${K_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14) ${X_{2{\rm{2}},\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9),
${Y_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14)${2^{57} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{ {14} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{84.16} }$ (4) ${K_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9) ${X_{2{\rm{1}},\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5),
${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9)${2^{66} } \cdot {2^{23} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{82.53} }$ (5) ${K_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5) ${X_{{\rm{20,}}\left\{ {{\rm{24,31}}} \right\}}}$(2), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5) ${2^{71} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{5}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{77.68} }$ (6) ${K_{{\rm{19,}}\left\{ {{\rm{24,31}}} \right\}}}$(2) ${X_{18,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2), ${X_{18,\left\{ {24} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}}$(1) ${2^{73} } \cdot {2^7} \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{71.95} }$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 2 計算
$ \oplus {\left( {{X_{18}} \oplus {X_{19}}} \right)_{\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$ 的復(fù)雜度步驟 猜測密鑰(bit數(shù)) 統(tǒng)計狀態(tài)(bit數(shù)) 時間復(fù)雜度 (1) ${K_{24,\left\{ {0,2\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(28) ${X_{2{\rm{4}},\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23), ${Y_{24,\left\{ {0,2\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(28) ${2^{28} } \cdot {2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {28} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{86.17} }$ (2) ${K_{23,\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23) ${X_{2{\rm{3}},\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16), ${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23) ${2^{51} } \cdot {2^{51} } \cdot \dfrac{ {23} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{96.88} }$ (3) ${K_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16) ${X_{2{\rm{2}},\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9), ${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16) ${2^{67} } \cdot {2^{39} } \cdot \dfrac{ {16} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{100.36} }$ (4) ${K_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9) ${X_{2{\rm{1}},\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4), ${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9) ${2^{76} } \cdot {2^{25} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{94.53} }$ (5) ${K_{20,\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4) ${X_{{\rm{20}},\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4) ${2^{80} } \cdot {2^{13} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{85.36} }$ (6) ${K_{19,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1) ${X_{{\rm{18,}}\left\{ {{\rm{31}}} \right\}}}$(1), $ \oplus {\left( {{X_{18}} \oplus {X_{19}}} \right)_{\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$ (1) ${2^{81} } \cdot {2^5} \cdot \dfrac{2}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{77.36} }$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 3 計算
$ \oplus {M_1}$ 值的復(fù)雜度步驟 猜測密鑰(比特數(shù)) 統(tǒng)計狀態(tài)(比特數(shù)) 時間復(fù)雜度 (1) $ - $ ${X_{25,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24),
${Y_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(29)${2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {29} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{58.16} }$ (2) $K_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 4,6\sim 11,13\sim 18,20\sim 29} \right\}}^{\rm{*}}$(27) ${X_{{\rm{24,}}\left\{ {{\rm{4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31}}} \right\}}}$(19),
${Y_{2{\rm{4}},\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24)${2^{27} } \cdot {2^{53} } \cdot \dfrac{ {24} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{74.89} }$ (3) $K_{{\rm{24,}}\left\{ {{\rm{2,5,9,12,16,19,23,26,30}}} \right\}}^{\rm{*}}$(9) ${X_{23,\left\{ {2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,28} \right\}}}$(9),
${Y_{23,\left\{ {6,10,13,17,20,24,27,31} \right\}}}$(8), ${X_{24,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}}$(4)${2^{36} } \cdot {2^{43} } \cdot \dfrac{8}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{72.30} }$ (4) $K_{24,\left\{ {3,10,17,24,28} \right\}}^*$(5) ${X_{23,\left\{ {0,3,4,6\sim 8,10\sim 15,17\sim 22,25\sim 29} \right\}}}$(23),
${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{24,\left\{ {2,12,16,19,23,26,30} \right\}}}$(7)${2^{41} } \cdot {2^{21} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{54.30} }$ (5) $K_{24,\left\{ {4,8,11,15,18,22,25,29} \right\}}^*$(8) ${X_{23,\left\{ {{\rm{0,6,}}7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14),
${Y_{{\rm{23,}}\left\{ {{\rm{4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31}}} \right\}}}$(19)${2^{49} } \cdot {2^{34} } \cdot \dfrac{ {19} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{77.55} }$ (6) $K_{23,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}^*$(4) ${X_{22,\left\{ {4,5,11,12,18,19,25,26,30} \right\}}}$(9),
${Y_{{\rm{22,}}\left\{ {{\rm{12,19,26}}} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{{\rm{23,}}\left\{ {{\rm{6,13,20,27}}} \right\}}}$(4)${2^{53} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{77.88} }$ (7) $K_{23,\left\{ {5,12,19,26} \right\}}^*$(4) ${X_{22,\left\{ {5,6,8,10,12\sim 17,19\sim 24,26\sim 31} \right\}}}$(22),
${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,13,20,27} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{23,\left\{ {0,7,14,18,21,25,28} \right\}}}$(7)${2^{57} } \cdot {2^{16} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{65.30} }$ (8) $K_{23,\left\{ {6,10,13,17,20,24,27,31} \right\}}^*$(8) ${X_{22,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9),
${Y_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14)${2^{65} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{ {14} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{92.11} }$ (9) $K_{22,\left\{ {0,7,14,21,28} \right\}}^*$(5) ${X_{21,\left\{ {6,12,13,19,20,27,28} \right\}}}$(7),
${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,15,22,29} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{22,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}}$(3)${2^{70} } \cdot {2^{23} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{85.30} }$ (10) $K_{22,\left\{ {6,13,20,27} \right\}}^*$(4) ${X_{21,\left\{ {12,16,18,19,22,23,25,26,29,30} \right\}}}$(10),
${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{22,\left\{ {20,27} \right\}}}$(2)${2^{74} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{79.88} }$ (11) $K_{22,\left\{ {12,19,26} \right\}}^*$(4) ${X_{21,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5),
${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9)${2^{77} } \cdot {2^{15} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{85.47} }$ (12) $K_{21,\left\{ {8,15,22,29} \right\}}^*$(4) ${X_{20,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,27,28,31} \right\}}}$(7),
${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,23,30} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{21,\left\{ {22,29} \right\}}}$(2)${2^{81} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{86.88} }$ (13) $K_{21,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}^*$(3) ${X_{20,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5) ${2^{84} } \cdot {2^{12} } \cdot \dfrac{5}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{88.62} }$ (14) $K_{20,\left\{ {16,23,30} \right\}}^*$(3) ${X_{19,\left\{ 0 \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{19,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2) ${2^{ {\rm{87} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{7} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{2} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{85} }{\rm{.30} } } }$ (15) $K_{19,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}^*$(2) $\left( {{X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {{\rm{24}}} \right\}}}} \right) \oplus {X_{19,\left\{ 0 \right\}}}$(1) ${2^{ {\rm{89} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{3} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{82} }{\rm{.30} } } }$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 4 計算
$ \oplus {M_{\rm{2}}}$ 值的復(fù)雜度步驟 猜測密鑰(比特數(shù)) 統(tǒng)計狀態(tài)(比特數(shù)) 時間復(fù)雜度 (1) $ - $ ${X_{25,\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,20\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}}$(19),
${Y_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 3,6\sim 10,12\sim 23,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(24)${2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{24} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{5{\rm{7} }{\rm{.89} } } }$ (2) $K_{25\left\{ {0\sim 3,6\sim 10,12\sim 17,19\sim 23,26\sim 28} \right\}}^*$(22) ${X_{24,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,22\sim 25,30} \right\}}}$(14),
${Y_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,20\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}}$(19)${2^{ {\rm{22} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{43} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{19} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{59} }{\rm{.55} } } }$ (3) $K_{24\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,21\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}^*$(18) ${X_{23,\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,24\sim 27} \right\}}}$(10),
${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,22\sim 25,30} \right\}}}$(14)${2^{ {\rm{40} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{33} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{14} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{67} }{\rm{.11} } } }$ (4) $K_{23,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,23\sim 25,30} \right\}}^*$(13) ${X_{22,\left\{ {14,20,21,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(6), ${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,24\sim 27} \right\}}}$(10) ${2^{ {\rm{5} }3} } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{24} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{1} }0} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{70} }{\rm{.63} } } }$ (5) $K_{22\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,25\sim 27} \right\}}^*$(9) ${X_{21,\left\{ {22,28,29} \right\}}}$(3), ${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(6) ${2^{6{\rm{2} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{16} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{6} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{70} }{\rm{.89} } } }$ (6) $K_{21\left\{ {14,20,21,27,28} \right\}}^*$(5) ${X_{20,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {22,28,29} \right\}}}$(3) ${2^{6{\rm{7} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{9} } } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{67} }{\rm{.89} } } }$ (6) $K_{20\left\{ {22,29} \right\}}^*$(2) $ \oplus {Y_{19,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1) ${2^{6{\rm{9} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{4} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{63} }{\rm{.30} } } } $ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 5 SIMON算法的積分分析(分組長度64/96/128-bit)
算法 區(qū)分器輪數(shù) 數(shù)據(jù)量(CP) 攻擊輪數(shù) 猜測密鑰量(bit) 攻擊復(fù)雜度(E) SIMON64/96 18 ${{\rm{2}}^{63}}$ 25 73 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{95}}}}$ SIMON64/128 18 ${{\rm{2}}^{63}}$ 26 102 ${{\rm{2}}^{127}}$ SIMON96/96 22 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{95}}}}$ 28 64 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{95}}}}$ SIMON96/144 22 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{95}}}}$ 30 138 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{95}}}}$ SIMON128/128 26 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ 33 98 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ SIMON128/192 26 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ 35 187 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ SIMON128/256 26 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ 36 241 ${{\rm{2}}^{{\rm{127}}}}$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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