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徐洪 方玉穎 戚文峰

徐洪, 方玉穎, 戚文峰. SIMON64算法的積分分析[J]. 電子與信息學(xué)報, 2020, 42(3): 720-728. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230
引用本文: 徐洪, 方玉穎, 戚文峰. SIMON64算法的積分分析[J]. 電子與信息學(xué)報, 2020, 42(3): 720-728. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230
Hong XU, Yuying FANG, Wenfeng QI. Integral Attacks on SIMON64[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(3): 720-728. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230
Citation: Hong XU, Yuying FANG, Wenfeng QI. Integral Attacks on SIMON64[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(3): 720-728. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190230
基金項目: 十三五國家密碼發(fā)展基金(MMJJ20180204, MMJJ20170103)



    戚文峰:男,1963 年生,教授,主要研究方向為對稱密碼的設(shè)計與分析


    方玉穎 fangyywy@163.com

  • 中圖分類號: TP309.7; TN918.1

Integral Attacks on SIMON64

Funds: The National Cryptography Development Fund (MMJJ20180204, MMJJ20170103)
  • 摘要:


  • 圖  1  SIMON算法的輪函數(shù)

    圖  2  SIMON 64算法的18輪積分區(qū)分器

    圖  3  25輪積分分析的密鑰恢復(fù)過程

    圖  4  計算${X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {24} \right\}}}$的過程

    圖  5  計算${\left( {{X_{18}} \oplus {X_{19}}} \right)_{\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$的過程

    圖  6  等價密鑰技術(shù)示意圖

    圖  7  SIMON64/128算法的26輪積分分析

    圖  8  計算$ \oplus {M_1}$的過程

    圖  9  計算$ \oplus {M_{\rm{2}}}$的過程

    表  1  計算$ \oplus \left( {{X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {24} \right\}}}} \right)$的復(fù)雜度

    (1)${K_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24)${X_{24,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19),
    ${Y_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24)
    ${2^{24} } \cdot {2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {24} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{81.94} }$
    (2)${K_{23,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19)${X_{2{\rm{3}},\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14),
    ${Y_{23,\left\{ {4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31} \right\}}}$(19)
    ${2^{43} } \cdot {2^{43} } \cdot \dfrac{ {19} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{80.61} }$
    (3)${K_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14)${X_{2{\rm{2}},\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9),
    ${Y_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14)
    ${2^{57} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{ {14} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{84.16} }$
    (4)${K_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9)${X_{2{\rm{1}},\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5),
    ${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9)
    ${2^{66} } \cdot {2^{23} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{82.53} }$
    (5)${K_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5)${X_{{\rm{20,}}\left\{ {{\rm{24,31}}} \right\}}}$(2), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5)${2^{71} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{5}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{77.68} }$
    (6)${K_{{\rm{19,}}\left\{ {{\rm{24,31}}} \right\}}}$(2)${X_{18,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2), ${X_{18,\left\{ {24} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}}$(1)${2^{73} } \cdot {2^7} \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{71.95} }$
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    表  2  計算$ \oplus {\left( {{X_{18}} \oplus {X_{19}}} \right)_{\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$的復(fù)雜度

    (1)${K_{24,\left\{ {0,2\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(28)${X_{2{\rm{4}},\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23), ${Y_{24,\left\{ {0,2\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(28)${2^{28} } \cdot {2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {28} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{86.17} }$
    (2)${K_{23,\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23)${X_{2{\rm{3}},\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16), ${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,5,8,10\sim 12,14\sim 30} \right\}}}$(23)${2^{51} } \cdot {2^{51} } \cdot \dfrac{ {23} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{96.88} }$
    (3)${K_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16)${X_{2{\rm{2}},\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9), ${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,16,18\sim 20,22\sim 30} \right\}}}$(16)${2^{67} } \cdot {2^{39} } \cdot \dfrac{ {16} }{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{100.36} }$
    (4)${K_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9)${X_{2{\rm{1}},\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4), ${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,26\sim 28,30,31} \right\}}}$(9)${2^{76} } \cdot {2^{25} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{94.53} }$
    (5)${K_{20,\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4)${X_{{\rm{20}},\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {0,22,28,29} \right\}}}$(4)${2^{80} } \cdot {2^{13} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{85.36} }$
    (6)${K_{19,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1)${X_{{\rm{18,}}\left\{ {{\rm{31}}} \right\}}}$(1), $ \oplus {\left( {{X_{18}} \oplus {X_{19}}} \right)_{\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$ (1)${2^{81} } \cdot {2^5} \cdot \dfrac{2}{ {32 \cdot 25} } \approx {2^{77.36} }$
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    表  3  計算$ \oplus {M_1}$值的復(fù)雜度

    (1)$ - $${X_{25,\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24),
    ${Y_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 4,6\sim 29} \right\}}}$(29)
    ${2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ {29} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{58.16} }$
    (2)$K_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 4,6\sim 11,13\sim 18,20\sim 29} \right\}}^{\rm{*}}$(27)${X_{{\rm{24,}}\left\{ {{\rm{4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31}}} \right\}}}$(19),
    ${Y_{2{\rm{4}},\left\{ {2\sim 5,8\sim 12,14\sim 19,21\sim 26,28\sim 30} \right\}}}$(24)
    ${2^{27} } \cdot {2^{53} } \cdot \dfrac{ {24} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{74.89} }$
    (3)$K_{{\rm{24,}}\left\{ {{\rm{2,5,9,12,16,19,23,26,30}}} \right\}}^{\rm{*}}$(9)${X_{23,\left\{ {2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,28} \right\}}}$(9),
    ${Y_{23,\left\{ {6,10,13,17,20,24,27,31} \right\}}}$(8), ${X_{24,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}}$(4)
    ${2^{36} } \cdot {2^{43} } \cdot \dfrac{8}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{72.30} }$
    (4)$K_{24,\left\{ {3,10,17,24,28} \right\}}^*$(5)${X_{23,\left\{ {0,3,4,6\sim 8,10\sim 15,17\sim 22,25\sim 29} \right\}}}$(23),
    ${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{24,\left\{ {2,12,16,19,23,26,30} \right\}}}$(7)
    ${2^{41} } \cdot {2^{21} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{54.30} }$
    (5)$K_{24,\left\{ {4,8,11,15,18,22,25,29} \right\}}^*$(8)${X_{23,\left\{ {{\rm{0,6,}}7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14),
    ${Y_{{\rm{23,}}\left\{ {{\rm{4\sim 6,10\sim 13,16\sim 20,23\sim 27,30,31}}} \right\}}}$(19)
    ${2^{49} } \cdot {2^{34} } \cdot \dfrac{ {19} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{77.55} }$
    (6)$K_{23,\left\{ {4,11,18,25} \right\}}^*$(4)${X_{22,\left\{ {4,5,11,12,18,19,25,26,30} \right\}}}$(9),
    ${Y_{{\rm{22,}}\left\{ {{\rm{12,19,26}}} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{{\rm{23,}}\left\{ {{\rm{6,13,20,27}}} \right\}}}$(4)
    ${2^{53} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{77.88} }$
    (7)$K_{23,\left\{ {5,12,19,26} \right\}}^*$(4)${X_{22,\left\{ {5,6,8,10,12\sim 17,19\sim 24,26\sim 31} \right\}}}$(22),
    ${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,13,20,27} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{23,\left\{ {0,7,14,18,21,25,28} \right\}}}$(7)
    ${2^{57} } \cdot {2^{16} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{65.30} }$
    (8)$K_{23,\left\{ {6,10,13,17,20,24,27,31} \right\}}^*$(8)${X_{22,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9),
    ${Y_{22,\left\{ {0,6,7,12\sim 14,18\sim 21,25\sim 28} \right\}}}$(14)
    ${2^{65} } \cdot {2^{33} } \cdot \dfrac{ {14} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{92.11} }$
    (9)$K_{22,\left\{ {0,7,14,21,28} \right\}}^*$(5)${X_{21,\left\{ {6,12,13,19,20,27,28} \right\}}}$(7),
    ${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,15,22,29} \right\}}}$(4), ${X_{22,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}}$(3)
    ${2^{70} } \cdot {2^{23} } \cdot \dfrac{4}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{85.30} }$
    (10)$K_{22,\left\{ {6,13,20,27} \right\}}^*$(4)${X_{21,\left\{ {12,16,18,19,22,23,25,26,29,30} \right\}}}$(10),
    ${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{22,\left\{ {20,27} \right\}}}$(2)
    ${2^{74} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{79.88} }$
    (11)$K_{22,\left\{ {12,19,26} \right\}}^*$(4)${X_{21,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5),
    ${Y_{21,\left\{ {8,14,15,20\sim 22,27\sim 29} \right\}}}$(9)
    ${2^{77} } \cdot {2^{15} } \cdot \dfrac{9}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{85.47} }$
    (12)$K_{21,\left\{ {8,15,22,29} \right\}}^*$(4)${X_{20,\left\{ {14,20,21,24,27,28,31} \right\}}}$(7),
    ${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,23,30} \right\}}}$(3), ${X_{21,\left\{ {22,29} \right\}}}$(2)
    ${2^{81} } \cdot {2^{14} } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{86.88} }$
    (13)$K_{21,\left\{ {14,21,28} \right\}}^*$(3)${X_{20,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {16,22,23,29,30} \right\}}}$(5)${2^{84} } \cdot {2^{12} } \cdot \dfrac{5}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{88.62} }$
    (14)$K_{20,\left\{ {16,23,30} \right\}}^*$(3)${X_{19,\left\{ 0 \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{19,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}}$(2)${2^{ {\rm{87} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{7} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{2} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{85} }{\rm{.30} } } }$
    (15)$K_{19,\left\{ {24,31} \right\}}^*$(2)$\left( {{X_{18,\left\{ {31} \right\}}} \wedge {X_{18,\left\{ {{\rm{24}}} \right\}}}} \right) \oplus {X_{19,\left\{ 0 \right\}}}$(1)${2^{ {\rm{89} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{3} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{82} }{\rm{.30} } } }$
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    表  4  計算$ \oplus {M_{\rm{2}}}$值的復(fù)雜度

    (1)$ - $${X_{25,\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,20\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}}$(19),
    ${Y_{25,\left\{ {0\sim 3,6\sim 10,12\sim 23,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(24)
    ${2^{63} } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{24} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{5{\rm{7} }{\rm{.89} } } }$
    (2)$K_{25\left\{ {0\sim 3,6\sim 10,12\sim 17,19\sim 23,26\sim 28} \right\}}^*$(22)${X_{24,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,22\sim 25,30} \right\}}}$(14),
    ${Y_{24,\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,20\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}}$(19)
    ${2^{ {\rm{22} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{43} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{19} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{59} }{\rm{.55} } } }$
    (3)$K_{24\left\{ {2\sim 4,8\sim 11,14\sim 18,21\sim 24,28,29} \right\}}^*$(18)${X_{23,\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,24\sim 27} \right\}}}$(10),

    ${Y_{23,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,22\sim 25,30} \right\}}}$(14)
    ${2^{ {\rm{40} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{33} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{14} } } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{67} }{\rm{.11} } } }$
    (4)$K_{23,\left\{ {4,5,10\sim 12,16\sim 19,23\sim 25,30} \right\}}^*$(13)${X_{22,\left\{ {14,20,21,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(6), ${Y_{22,\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,24\sim 27} \right\}}}$(10)${2^{ {\rm{5} }3} } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{24} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ { {\rm{1} }0} }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{70} }{\rm{.63} } } }$
    (5)$K_{22\left\{ {6,12,13,18\sim 20,25\sim 27} \right\}}^*$(9)${X_{21,\left\{ {22,28,29} \right\}}}$(3), ${Y_{21,\left\{ {14,20,21,26\sim 28} \right\}}}$(6)${2^{6{\rm{2} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{ {\rm{16} } } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{6} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{70} }{\rm{.89} } } }$
    (6)$K_{21\left\{ {14,20,21,27,28} \right\}}^*$(5)${X_{20,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1), ${Y_{20,\left\{ {22,28,29} \right\}}}$(3)${2^{6{\rm{7} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{9} } } \cdot \dfrac{3}{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{67} }{\rm{.89} } } }$
    (6)$K_{20\left\{ {22,29} \right\}}^*$(2)$ \oplus {Y_{19,\left\{ {30} \right\}}}$(1)${2^{6{\rm{9} } } } \cdot { {\rm{2} }^{\rm{4} } } \cdot \dfrac{ {\rm{1} } }{ {32 \cdot 26} } \approx {2^{ {\rm{63} }{\rm{.30} } } } $
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    表  5  SIMON算法的積分分析(分組長度64/96/128-bit)

    下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-04-09
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  • 刊出日期:  2020-03-19


