doi: 10.11999/JEIT190229
燕山大學電氣工程學院 秦皇島 066004
A Deep Convolutional Network for Saliency Object Detection with Balanced Accuracy and High Efficiency
School of Electrical Engineering, Yan Shan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Abstract:It is difficult for current salient object detection algorithms to reach a good balance performance between accuracy and efficiency. To solve this problem, a deep convolutional network for saliency object detection with balanced accuracy and high efficiency is produced. First, through replacing the traditional convolution with the decomposed convolution, the computational complexity is greatly reduced and the detection efficiency of the model is improved. Second, in order to make better use of the characteristics of different scales, sparse cross-layer connection structure and multi-scale fusion structure are adopted to improve the detection precision. A wide range of evaluations show that compared with the existing methods, the proposed algorithm achieves the leading performance in efficiency and accuracy.
表 3 整體網(wǎng)絡結構詳表
結構 名稱 類型 輸出尺寸 輸出編號 結構 名稱 類型 輸出尺寸 輸出編號 convblock1 reconv$ \times $2 448$ \times $448$ \times $16 1 cross-layer conv3 rate=12 224$ \times $224$ \times $256 $5" $ cross-layer conv3 rate=16 448$ \times $448$ \times $32 $1' $ convblock4 maxpool 下采樣 cross-layer conv3 rate=24 448$ \times $448$ \times $256 $1'' $ reconv$ \times $3 56$ \times $56$ \times $128 6 convblock2 maxpool 下采樣 concat3 融合 56$ \times $56$ \times $256 $(5'+6) $ reconv$ \times $2 224$ \times $224$ \times $32 2 conv1 降維 56$ \times $56$ \times $128 7 concat1 融合 224$ \times $224$ \times $64 $(1'+2) $ cross-layer conv3 rate=6 56$ \times $56$ \times $256 $7'' $ conv1 降維 224$ \times $224$ \times $32 3 convblock5 maxpool 下采樣 cross-layer conv3 rate=8 224$ \times $224$ \times $64 $3′ $ reconv$ \times $3 28$ \times $28$ \times $256 8 cross-layer conv3 rate=18 224$ \times $224$ \times $256 $3" $ concat4 融合 28$ \times $28$ \times $1280 $(1''+3''+5''+7''+8) $ convblock3 maxpool 下采樣 conv1 降維 28$ \times $28$ \times $256 9 reconv$ \times $3 112$ \times $112$ \times $64 4 upblock1 deconv 上采樣 concat2 融合 112$ \times $112$ \times $128 $(3'+4) $ reconv$ \times $3 112$ \times $112$ \times $64 conv1 降維 112$ \times $112$ \times $64 5 upblock2 deconv 上采樣 448$ \times $448$ \times $2 final ross-layer conv3 rate=4 224$ \times $224$ \times $128 $5' $ 下載: 導出CSV
表 4 F-measure(F-m)和MAE得分表
算法 MSRA ECSSD PASCAL-S SOD HKU-IS F-m MAE F-m MAE F-m MAE F-m MAE F-m MAE 本文方法 0.914 0.045 0.893 0.060 0.814 0.113 0.832 0.119 0.893 0.036 DCL 0.905 0.052 0.890 0.088 0.805 0.125 0.820 0.139 0.885 0.072 ELD 0.904 0.062 0.867 0.080 0.771 0.121 0.760 0.154 0.839 0.074 NLDF 0.911 0.048 0.905 0.063 0.831 0.099 0.810 0.143 0.902 0.048 MST 0.839 0.128 0.653 0.171 0.584 0.236 – – – – DSR 0.812 0.119 0.737 0.173 0.646 0.204 0.655 0.234 0.735 0.140 下載: 導出CSV
表 5 不同算法處理時間對比(s)
模型 本文方法 DCL ELD NLDF MST DSR 時間 0.023 1.200 0.300 0.080 0.025 13.580 環(huán)境 GTX1080 GTX1080 GTX1080 Titan X i7 CPU i7 CPU 尺寸 448$ \times $448 300$ \times $400 400$ \times $300 300$ \times $400 300$ \times $400 400$ \times $300 下載: 導出CSV
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