doi: 10.11999/JEIT190216
中國礦業(yè)大學(北京)機電與信息工程學院 北京 100083
河南理工大學物理與電子信息學院 焦作 454000
兗礦集團信息化管理中心 鄒城 273500
Minimal Surface Filter Driven by Curvature Difference
School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
School of Physics &Electronic Information Engineering, HeNan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
Information Center of YanKuang Group, Zoucheng 273500, China
Abstract:To improve performance of denoising and edge preservation of the total variational image denoising model, a curvature difference driven minimal surface filter is proposed. Firstly, the presented filter model is constructed by adding an adaptive edge detection function of curvature difference to the mean curvature filter model. After that, from the perspective of differential geometry theory, the physical meaning of the energy functional model and the method of reducing the average curvature energy are elaborated. Finally, in the discrete image domain, the surface in the neighborhood of each pixel of the image is iteratively evolved to the minimal surface to minimize the average curvature energy of the energy functional, so that the total energy of the energy functional is also minimized. Experiments show that the filter can not only remove Gauss noise and salt and pepper noise, but also remove the mixed noise composed of these two kinds of noise. Its performance of noise reduction and edge preservation is better than the other five total variational algorithms of the same kind.
Key words:
- Image denoising /
- Filter /
- Energy functional /
- Mean curvature /
- Minimal surface
表 1 降噪圖像的評價指標數(shù)據(jù)
噪聲類型 圖像 濾波器 噪聲方差噪聲密度 迭代次數(shù) PSNR.N PSNR.D CDE RFSIM 高斯噪聲 Lena MSF 10 10 28.1111 32.5290 12.3499 0.6873 20 20 22.1472 28.8819 12.3575 0.5065 MCF 10 10 28.1111 31.2486 12.3128 0.6063 20 20 22.1472 28.7087 12.3020 0.4644 House MSF 5 7 34.1560 35.9549 11.0543 0.6838 10 10 28.1072 32.4532 11.0582 0.5043 20 20 22.1129 28.5565 11.0600 0.3117 MCF 5 7 34.1560 33.1901 11.0436 0.5879 10 10 28.1072 31.1816 11.0491 0.4750 20 20 22.1129 28.3753 11.0487 0.3315 椒鹽噪聲 peppers MSF 0.05 4 18.2659 34.3401 12.3245 0.8842 0.10 9 15.3176 32.0921 12.3229 0.8271 MCF 0.05 4 18.2659 30.1227 12.3089 0.7940 0.10 9 15.3176 30.5087 12.2877 0.7083 下載: 導出CSV
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