doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135
北京工業(yè)大學信息學部 北京 100124
北京工業(yè)大學計算智能與智能系統(tǒng)北京重點實驗室 北京 100124
Multi-context Autoencoders for Multivariate Medical Signals Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent System, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
- 多元醫(yī)學信號 /
- 自編碼器 /
- 上下文學習 /
- 卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡 /
- 深度學習
Abstract:Learning unsupervised representations from multivariate medical signals, such as multi-modality polysomnography and multi-channel electroencephalogram, has gained increasing attention in health informatics. In order to solve the problem that the existing models do not fully incorporate the characteristics of the multivariate-temporal structure of medical signals, an unsupervised multi-Context deep Convolutional AutoEncoder (mCtx-CAE) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, by modifying traditional convolutional neural networks, a multivariate convolutional autoencoder is proposed to extract multivariate context features within signal segments. Secondly, semantic learning is adopted to auto-encode temporal information among signal segments, to further extract temporal context features. Finally, an end-to-end multi-context autoencoder is trained by designing objective function based on shared feature representation. Experimental results conducted on two public benchmark datasets (UCD and CHB-MIT) show that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised feature learning methods in different medical tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the learned fusional features in clinical settings.
表 1 多元卷積自編碼模塊具體配置參數(shù)
編碼單元 卷積層 非線性變換 池化層 元內(nèi)編碼單元 $1 \times 3 \times 16$ ReLU $1 \times 2$ 元間編碼單元 $C \times 3 \times 8$ ReLU $1 \times 2$ 解碼單元 反卷積層 非線性變換 反池化層 元間解碼單元 $C \times 3 \times 8$ ReLU $1 \times 2$ 元內(nèi)解碼單元 $1 \times 3 \times 16$ ReLU $1 \times 2$ 下載: 導出CSV
表 2 CHB-MIT數(shù)據(jù)庫上的方法比較結(jié)果
方法 AUC-ROC AUC-PR F1分子 準確率 PCA 0.8291 ± 0.0434 0.7021 ± 0.0872 0.6421 ± 0.0223 0.8768 ± 0.0223 SAE 0.5934 ± 0.0377 0.4180 ± 0.1189 0.0668 ± 0.0415 0.7987 ± 0.0309 CAE 0.8657 ± 0.0305 0.7646 ± 0.0881 0.6277 ± 0.1246 0.8690 ± 0.0267 Med2Vec 0.8155 ± 0.1181 0.5870 ± 0.1670 0.6066 ± 0.2363 0.8351 ± 0.0359 Skip-gram+ 0.9090 ± 0.0356 0.7467 ± 0.1540 0.6288 ± 0.2040 0.8898 ± 0.0173 CtxFusionEEG 0.9287 ± 0.0306 0.7833 ± 0.1147 0.7202 ± 0.1485 0.9025 ± 0.0104 Wave2Vec 0.9035 ± 0.0371 0.8839 ± 0.0261 0.8267 ± 0.0184 0.9210 ± 0.0099 m-CAE 0.8946 ± 0.0401 0.8727 ± 0.0189 0.8417 ± 0.0131 0.9324 ± 0.0058 mCtx-CAE 0.9372 ± 0.0495 0.8980 ± 0.0333 0.8493 ± 0.0191 0.9412 ± 0.0110 下載: 導出CSV
表 3 UCD數(shù)據(jù)庫上的方法比較結(jié)果
方法 AUC-ROC AUC-PR F1分數(shù) 準確率 PCA 0.8177 ± 0.0142 0.5764 ± 0.0172 0.5204 ± 0.0275 0.6193 ± 0.0638 SAE 0.7068 ± 0.1372 0.4965 ± 0.0951 0.2760 ± 0.1815 0.4917 ± 0.1364 CAE 0.8386 ± 0.0376 0.5710 ± 0.0429 0.5180 ± 0.0701 0.6208 ± 0.0961 Med2Vec 0.7479 ± 0.0796 0.4836 ± 0.1046 0.3997 ± 0.1361 0.5619 ± 0.0619 Skip-gram+ 0.8010 ± 0.0992 0.5406 ± 0.0995 0.4342 ± 0.1731 0.5884 ± 0.1077 CtxFusionEEG 0.7941 ± 0.1485 0.6358 ± 0.0709 0.5171 ± 0.1994 0.6375 ± 0.1074 Wave2Vec 0.8161 ± 0.0507 0.5984 ± 0.0698 0.5268 ± 0.0661 0.6408 ± 0.0723 m-CAE 0.8446 ± 0.0361 0.5727 ± 0.0215 0.5600 ± 0.0482 0.6562 ± 0.0767 mCtx-CAE 0.8648 ± 0.0258 0.6423 ± 0.0452 0.5655 ± 0.0228 0.6734 ± 0.0562 下載: 導出CSV
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