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袁野 賈克斌 劉鵬宇

袁野, 賈克斌, 劉鵬宇. 基于深度卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的多元醫(yī)學信號多級上下文自編碼器[J]. 電子與信息學報, 2020, 42(2): 371-378. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135
引用本文: 袁野, 賈克斌, 劉鵬宇. 基于深度卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的多元醫(yī)學信號多級上下文自編碼器[J]. 電子與信息學報, 2020, 42(2): 371-378. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135
Ye YUAN, Kebin JIA, Pengyu LIU. Multi-context Autoencoders for Multivariate Medical Signals Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(2): 371-378. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135
Citation: Ye YUAN, Kebin JIA, Pengyu LIU. Multi-context Autoencoders for Multivariate Medical Signals Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(2): 371-378. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190135
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(81871394),先進信息網(wǎng)絡北京實驗室基金(040000546618017)





    賈克斌 kebinj@bjut.edu.cn

  • 中圖分類號: TP391.4

Multi-context Autoencoders for Multivariate Medical Signals Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (81871394), The Beijing Laboratory of Advanced Information Networks Foundation (040000546618017)
  • 摘要:


  • 圖  1  本文提出的多級上下文深度卷積自編碼器結(jié)構(gòu)圖

    圖  2  不同特征表示模型在CHB-MIT和UCD數(shù)據(jù)庫上的ROC和PR曲線

    圖  3  不同特征學習模型在CHB-MIT數(shù)據(jù)庫上對不同超參數(shù)配置的影響

    圖  4  不同特征學習模型在UCD數(shù)據(jù)庫上對不同超參數(shù)配置對的影響

    表  1  多元卷積自編碼模塊具體配置參數(shù)

    元內(nèi)編碼單元$1 \times 3 \times 16$ReLU$1 \times 2$
    元間編碼單元$C \times 3 \times 8$ReLU$1 \times 2$
    元間解碼單元$C \times 3 \times 8$ReLU$1 \times 2$
    元內(nèi)解碼單元$1 \times 3 \times 16$ReLU$1 \times 2$
    下載: 導出CSV

    表  2  CHB-MIT數(shù)據(jù)庫上的方法比較結(jié)果

    PCA0.8291 ± 0.04340.7021 ± 0.08720.6421 ± 0.02230.8768 ± 0.0223
    SAE0.5934 ± 0.03770.4180 ± 0.11890.0668 ± 0.04150.7987 ± 0.0309
    CAE0.8657 ± 0.03050.7646 ± 0.08810.6277 ± 0.12460.8690 ± 0.0267
    Med2Vec0.8155 ± 0.11810.5870 ± 0.16700.6066 ± 0.23630.8351 ± 0.0359
    Skip-gram+0.9090 ± 0.03560.7467 ± 0.15400.6288 ± 0.20400.8898 ± 0.0173
    CtxFusionEEG0.9287 ± 0.03060.7833 ± 0.11470.7202 ± 0.14850.9025 ± 0.0104
    Wave2Vec0.9035 ± 0.03710.8839 ± 0.02610.8267 ± 0.01840.9210 ± 0.0099
    m-CAE0.8946 ± 0.04010.8727 ± 0.01890.8417 ± 0.01310.9324 ± 0.0058
    mCtx-CAE0.9372 ± 0.04950.8980 ± 0.03330.8493 ± 0.01910.9412 ± 0.0110
    下載: 導出CSV

    表  3  UCD數(shù)據(jù)庫上的方法比較結(jié)果

    PCA0.8177 ± 0.01420.5764 ± 0.01720.5204 ± 0.02750.6193 ± 0.0638
    SAE0.7068 ± 0.13720.4965 ± 0.09510.2760 ± 0.18150.4917 ± 0.1364
    CAE0.8386 ± 0.03760.5710 ± 0.04290.5180 ± 0.07010.6208 ± 0.0961
    Med2Vec0.7479 ± 0.07960.4836 ± 0.10460.3997 ± 0.13610.5619 ± 0.0619
    Skip-gram+0.8010 ± 0.09920.5406 ± 0.09950.4342 ± 0.17310.5884 ± 0.1077
    CtxFusionEEG0.7941 ± 0.14850.6358 ± 0.07090.5171 ± 0.19940.6375 ± 0.1074
    Wave2Vec0.8161 ± 0.05070.5984 ± 0.06980.5268 ± 0.06610.6408 ± 0.0723
    m-CAE0.8446 ± 0.03610.5727 ± 0.02150.5600 ± 0.04820.6562 ± 0.0767
    mCtx-CAE0.8648 ± 0.02580.6423 ± 0.04520.5655 ± 0.02280.6734 ± 0.0562
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-03-07
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  • 刊出日期:  2020-02-19


