doi: 10.11999/JEIT181067
中國科學院國家空間科學中心 北京 100190
中國科學院大學 北京 100049
The Application of the G-matrix Modification Methods to the Imaging of the 1-D Synthetic Aperture Microwave Radiometer
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
摘要: 1維綜合孔徑微波輻射計通常會采用 G 矩陣模型法來實現亮溫圖像的重建。對于1維輻射計系統(tǒng),成像過程主要包含:輻射計儀器觀測2維全視場的目標場景亮溫,得到1維的可見度函數采樣值,再通過對系統(tǒng)參數矩陣 G 求逆來實現目標場景的1維圖像重建。由于1維輻射計系統(tǒng)的采樣基線只分布在空間頻率域的1個維度上,所以在圖像重建過程中,需要實現矩陣 G 從2維到1維的轉換。對此,該文提出了兩種適用于1維綜合孔徑微波輻射計成像的 G 矩陣修正方法。并針對目前已經完成的8單元輻射計地面樣機系統(tǒng)和目前正在研制的10單元鹽度計樣機系統(tǒng),通過理論分析和仿真實驗,驗證了 G 矩陣修正法對1維綜合孔徑微波輻射計成像結果的改善效果,以及對天線方向圖旁瓣惡化所引入成像誤差的有效抑制。Abstract: The G -matrix model method is usually used to achieve the brightness temperature reconstruction for the one-Dimensional (1-D) synthetic aperture microwave radiometer system. For the 1-D radiometer system, the imaging process mainly includes: the radiometer instrument observes the full field of view of the 2-D target scene maps, and obtains the 1-D samples of the visibility, and then inverts the system parameter matrix G to realize the reconstruction of the 1-D image of the target scene. Since the system sampling baselines are only distributed in the 1-D of the spatial frequency domain, in the process of the brightness temperature image reconstruction, the matrix G needs to realize 2-D to 1-D conversion. Therefore, two G -matrix modification methods are proposed to improve the imaging quality for the 1-D synthetic aperture microwave radiometer. For the 8-element ground radiometer prototype system and the 10-element salinity radiometer system, theoretical analysis and simulation experiments have verified that the G -matrix modification methods proposed in this paper can effectively improve the imaging results, and can effectively suppress the imaging error caused by the side-lobed degradation of the antenna patterns.
Key words:
- Synthetic aperture radiometer /
- Imaging algorithm /
- G-matrix /
- Side-lobed degradation
表 1 針對地面樣機系統(tǒng)和鹽度計輻射計系統(tǒng),仿真G矩陣模型法、修正算法1和修正算法2的成像結果(K)
成像誤差統(tǒng)計參數單位 8單元輻射計地面樣機系統(tǒng) 10單元鹽度計系統(tǒng) G矩陣模型法 修正算法1 修正算法1 修正算法2 RMSE 1.5553 0.1382 1.9834 0.1625 STD 1.5692 0.1387 0.3538 0.0696 MEAN 0.0058 0.0141 1.9521 0.1471 下載: 導出CSV
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