doi: 10.11999/JEIT180914
北京航天飛行控制中心航天飛行動力學技術重點實驗室 北京 100094
中國科學院國家天文臺 ??北京 ??100012
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(11603001, 11833001)
Research on Application of Same-beam Interferometry in China Lunar Exploration
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Flight Dynamics, Beijing Aerospace Control Center, Beijing 100094, China
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11603001, 11833001)
摘要: 探月工程嫦娥4號中繼星任務同時搭載月球軌道微衛(wèi)星,受地面測控資源分配限制,微衛(wèi)星的軌道測量由地基S/X頻段統(tǒng)一測控(TT&C)系統(tǒng)天線(USB)保障。該文通過分析地月轉移軌道段中繼星、微衛(wèi)星相對于跟蹤測站的幾何構型,依托深空干涉測量系統(tǒng)設計實現(xiàn)對微衛(wèi)星、中繼星的同波束干涉測量(SBI)跟蹤;發(fā)揮中繼星測控資源豐富、軌道精度高的優(yōu)勢,獲取了微衛(wèi)星優(yōu)于1 ns的測角觀測量;并應用于微衛(wèi)星短弧定軌,統(tǒng)計分析表明定軌精度由2 km提升至優(yōu)于1 km、預報精度由6 km提升至2 km,為微衛(wèi)星軌道機動后的快速高精度軌道確定與預報提供了有力支撐。
- 同波束干涉測量 /
- 短弧定軌 /
- 深空測控干涉測量系統(tǒng) /
- 嫦娥4號
Abstract: Because of restricted earth-based tracking network, Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) for lunar orbit micro-satellite is depended on Unified S/X Band (USB) antennas in China Chang’E-4 lunar exploration. Based on analysis of the geometry between relay satellite, micro-satellite and earth-based antennas during earth-moon transfer orbit, an applicable method to acquire delay observable through Same-Beam Interferometry (SBI) tracking by China deep space network is discussed. Benefited from more kinds of tracking resources and high accuracy orbit of relay satellite, delay observable for angular position measurement of micro-satellite in the order of 1 ns is obtained, which improves the micro-satellite orbit determination accuracy from 2 km to less than 1 km and improves orbit prediction accuracy from 6 km to 2 km. SBI tracking plays an important role in short arc orbit determination of micro-satellite. -
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