doi: 10.11999/JEIT180836
南通大學電子信息學院 ??南通 ??226019
南通大學工程訓練中心 ??南通 ??226019
FPGA Design and Implementation of Large Integer Multiplier
School of Electronic Information, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
Engineering Training Center, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
摘要: 大整數(shù)乘法是公鑰加密中最為核心的計算環(huán)節(jié),實現(xiàn)運算快速的大數(shù)乘法單元是RSA, ElGamal,全同態(tài)等密碼體制中急需解決的問題之一。針對全同態(tài)加密(FHE)應(yīng)用需求,該文提出一種基于Sch?nhage-Strassen算法(SSA)的768 kbit大整數(shù)乘法器硬件架構(gòu)。采用并行架構(gòu)實現(xiàn)了其關(guān)鍵模塊64k點有限域快速數(shù)論變換(NTT)的運算,并主要采用加法和移位操作以保證并行處理的最大化,有效提高了處理速度。該大整數(shù)乘法器在Stratix-V FPGA上進行了硬件驗證,通過與CPU上使用數(shù)論庫(NTL)和GMP庫實現(xiàn)的大整數(shù)乘法運算結(jié)果對比,驗證了該文設(shè)計方法的正確性和有效性。實驗結(jié)果表明,該方法實現(xiàn)的大整數(shù)乘法器運算時間比CPU平臺上的運算大約有8倍的加速。
- 全同態(tài)加密 /
- 現(xiàn)場可編程門陣列 /
- 大數(shù)乘法 /
- GMP庫
Abstract: Large integer multiplication is the most important part in public key encryption, which often consumes most of the computing time in RSA, ElGamal, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and other cryptosystems. Based on Sch?nhage-Strassen Algorithm (SSA), a design of high-speed 768 kbit multiplier is proposed. As the key component, an 64k-point Number Theoretical Transform (NTT) is optimized by adopting parallel architecture, in which only addition and shift operations are employed and thus the processing speed is improved effectively. The large integer multiplier design is validated on Stratix-V FPGA. By comparing its results with CPU using Number Theory Library(NTL) and GMP library, the correctness of this design is proved. The results also show that the FPGA implementation is about eight times faster than the same algorithm executed on the CPU.-
Key words:
- Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) /
- FPGA /
- Large number multiplication /
- GMP library
表 1 主要大整數(shù)乘法算法時間復雜度
算法 時間復雜度 grammar-school $O({N^2})$ Karatsuba-Ofman $O({N^{\ln 3/\ln 2}})$ Toom-Cook $O({N^{\ln (2k - 1)/\ln (k)}})$ Sch?nhage-Strassen (SSA) $O(N\log N\log \log N)$ 下載: 導出CSV
表 3 Stratix-V FGPA綜合結(jié)果
邏輯單元 Stratix V 占用資源數(shù) 總資源數(shù) 利用率(%) ALUTs 240229 718400 33 Logic registers 236088 1436800 16 Total block Memory (bit) 16252928 54067200 30 Total DSP blocks 288 352 82 最大頻率(MHz) 98.02 下載: 導出CSV
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