doi: 10.11999/JEIT180805
北京工業(yè)大學(xué)信息學(xué)部 ??北京 ??100124
Database Ciphertext Retrieval Scheme Based on f-mOPE
Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
摘要: 在云數(shù)據(jù)庫環(huán)境下,為保證云存儲數(shù)據(jù)的安全性,通常將數(shù)據(jù)加密存儲。針對加密存儲數(shù)據(jù)查詢開銷大,不支持密文排序,查詢等缺點,該文提出一種 f-mOPE數(shù)據(jù)庫密文檢索方案。該方案基于可變保序編碼(mOPE),采用二叉排序樹數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)思想,生成明文一一對應(yīng)的保序編碼;基于AES加密方案將數(shù)據(jù)明文轉(zhuǎn)化為密文存儲;采用改進的部分同態(tài)加密算法提升保序加密方案的安全性。通過安全性分析及實驗結(jié)果表明,該方案在保證數(shù)據(jù)隱私的基礎(chǔ)上,不但能抵御統(tǒng)計型攻擊,而且能夠有效地降低服務(wù)器計算開銷,提高數(shù)據(jù)庫處理效率。
- 密文數(shù)據(jù)庫 /
- 保序加密算法 /
- 可變保序編碼
Abstract: In a cloud database environment, data is usually encrypted and stored to ensure the security of cloud storage data. To overcome the shortcomings of encrypting the data that the query overhead is big, the cipher text sortings and query are not support, etc, this paper puts forward a kind of f - mOPE cryptograph database retrieval scheme. Based on the mOPE sequential encryption algorithm, the idea of binary sort tree data structure is used to generate plaintext one-to-one corresponding sequential coding. Data plaintext is converted into ciphertext storage based on the AES encryption scheme. The improved partial homomorphic encryption algorithm is used to improve the security of sequential encryption scheme. The security analysis and experimental results show that this scheme can not only resist statistical attack, but also reduce effectively server computing cost and improve database processing efficiency on the basis of guaranteeing data privacy. -
表 1 公式符號說明
$\lambda $:安全參數(shù); $\rho $:噪聲長度,為抵抗暴力攻擊$\rho = \omega (\lg \lambda )$; $\eta $:私鑰二進制長度, $\eta $滿足$\eta \ge \rho \varTheta (\lambda {\lg ^2}\lambda )$,這樣才能保證壓縮 解密可行; $\gamma $:公鑰二進制長度,為抵抗格攻擊,$\gamma = \omega ({\eta ^2}\lg \lambda )$; $\tau $:公鑰個數(shù),$\tau \ge \gamma + \omega (\lg \lambda )$,文中需要的公鑰個數(shù)為$2\sqrt \tau $; 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 2 序號與保序編碼對應(yīng)關(guān)系表
序號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 保序
=15下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 3 算法1: 保序編碼調(diào)整算法
符號定義:ord_num:數(shù)據(jù)的序號;index:數(shù)據(jù)十進制編碼 //將所有的數(shù)據(jù)排序后存入臨時表tmp中 insertIntoTmpTable(datas) h = lg(n)+1; index = 2(n-(2h-1 -1))+1; count = index-1; //更新臨時表中數(shù)據(jù)索引編碼 if(ord_num > count): foreach(): updateTmpTable(ord_num): index = ord_num + (ord_num-count); update tmp set index = index where ord_num=ord_num; else: foreach(): update tmp set index = ord_num where ord_num=ord_num; //將臨時表重平衡結(jié)果更新至數(shù)據(jù)表中,需要將臨時表中index轉(zhuǎn)換為二進制并加入子樹標(biāo)識,如式(7)描述 foreach(data): update OPE_Table A inner join tmp B on A.ciper = B.ciper set A.ord_code = B.index; 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 4 算法2: 數(shù)據(jù)插入及檢索算法
插入元素算法: 查找元素算法: key,IV = generateInitAttr();//初始化加密參數(shù) //確定子樹編碼 //加密明文 treeIndex = partitionTree(plainText); ciphertext = encryptData(plainText); //查詢子樹根節(jié)點 //構(gòu)建保序編碼 rootNode = searchTreeRootNode(treeIndex); foreach(plainTexts): //遍歷子樹尋找所有符合條件密文 //確定子樹編碼 datalist = search(rootNode,tree,plainText): treeIndex = partitionTree(plainText); foreach(datalist)://解密所有密文 //數(shù)據(jù)模糊化處理 data = decrypt(value,key); fuzzyData=FuzzyData(plainText); return datalist; //與服務(wù)端交互確定數(shù)據(jù)保序索引 code_index=connectToServer(fuzzyData,treeIndex); //插入數(shù)據(jù) insertData(fuzzyData,code_index); 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 5 DGHV部分同態(tài)加密方案與本文改進方案對比
DGHV部分同態(tài)加密方案 本文改進部分同態(tài)加密方案 加密效率 1次加密1 bit明文 1次加密$n$bit明文 安全性 $q$是對外開放的,那么如果 $pq$ 作為公鑰,很容易計算出私鑰$p$的值。 加入一些明文為0加密得到的密文$\{ {x_i}:{x_i} = {2^n}{r_i} + p{q_i}\} $,將這些密文組成一個集合$s$,以$\sum\nolimits_{1 \le i,j \le \sqrt \tau } {{b_{i,j}}{x_{i,0}}} {x_{j,1}}$作為公鑰,任意選取集合元素${x_i} \in S$加入運算,因為其明文都是0,不會改變加密結(jié)果,并且能夠提高算法安全性。在運算過程中只需要將${2^n}$上傳到服務(wù)器即可,把${2^n}\sum\nolimits_{1 \le i,j \le \sqrt \tau } {{b_{i,j}}{x_{i,0}}{x_{j,1}}} $作為公鑰,即使獲取${2^n}$也無法獲取密鑰$p$ 復(fù)雜度 該方案公鑰尺寸約為$O({\lambda ^{10}})$ 該方案中,參數(shù)取$\rho = \lambda $, $\eta = O({\lambda ^2})$,$\gamma = O({\lambda ^5})$,$\tau = O({\lambda ^3})$,所以該部分同態(tài)加密公鑰尺寸為$r + \tau (\lambda + \eta ) = O({\lambda ^5})$ 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 6 mOPE與f-mOPE查詢開銷對比
數(shù)據(jù)個數(shù) mOPE查詢開銷 f-mOPE查詢開銷 500 8 10 5000 11 10 10000 12 10 20000 13 10 50000 15 10 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 7 mOPE與f-mOPE時間復(fù)雜度比較
時間復(fù)雜度 mOPE f-mOPE 計算OPE編碼 $O(\lg n)$ $O(\lg n)$ 調(diào)整編碼 最好情況O(1)
最壞情況O(n)O(1) 檢查是否平衡/需要調(diào)整 最好情況O(1)
最壞情況O(n)下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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