doi: 10.11999/JEIT180777
浙江科技學院理學院/大數(shù)據(jù)學院 ??杭州 ??310023
浙江大學計算機學院 ??杭州 ??310027
浙江科技學院電子與信息工程學院 ??杭州 ??310023
Adversarial Example Generation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
School of Science/School of Big-data Science, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
School of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
摘要: 隨著機器學習被廣泛的應用,其安全脆弱性問題也突顯出來。該文提出一種基于粒子群優(yōu)化(PSO)的對抗樣本生成算法,揭示支持向量機(SVM)可能存在的安全隱患。主要采用的攻擊策略是篡改測試樣本,生成對抗樣本,達到欺騙SVM分類器,使其性能失效的目的。為此,結(jié)合SVM在高維特征空間的線性可分的特點,采用PSO方法尋找攻擊顯著性特征,再利用均分方法逆映射回原始輸入空間,構(gòu)建對抗樣本。該方法充分利用了特征空間上線性模型上易尋優(yōu)的特點,同時又利用了原始輸入空間篡改數(shù)據(jù)的可解釋性優(yōu)點,使原本難解的優(yōu)化問題得到實現(xiàn)。該文對2個公開數(shù)據(jù)集進行實驗,實驗結(jié)果表明,該方法通過不超過7%的小擾動量生成的對抗樣本均能使SVM分類器失效,由此證明了SVM存在明顯的安全脆弱性。Abstract: As machine learning is widely applied to various domains, its security vulnerability is also highlighted. A PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) based adversarial example generation algorithm is proposed to reveal the potential security risks of Support Vector Machine (SVM). The adversarial examples, generated by slightly crafting the legitimate samples, can mislead SVM classifier to give wrong classification results. Using the linear separable property of SVM in high-dimensional feature space, PSO is used to find the salient features, and then the average method is used to map back to the original input space to construct the adversarial example. This method makes full use of the easily finding salient features of linear models in the feature space, and the interpretable advantages of the original input space. Experimental results show that the proposed method can fool SVM classifier by using the adversarial example generated by less than 7 % small perturbation, thus proving that SVM has obvious security vulnerability.
表 1 粒子群尋優(yōu)(PSO)算法
輸入:$A$ //特征子集 輸出:$B$ //顯著性特征 (1) $d = \left| A \right|, B = \phi $ //$A = ({a^{(1)}}, {a^{(2)}}, ·\!·\!· , {a^{(d)}})$ (2) FOR $ i \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , N $ DO (3) ${{\text{s}}_i} \leftarrow {\rm rand}(d), {{\text{v}}_i} \leftarrow {\rm rand}(d)$ //初始化$N$個粒子的位置和
速度(4) ${{\text{p}}_i} \leftarrow {{\text{s}}_i}$ //${{\text{p}}_i}$為第$i$個粒子的當前最佳位置 (5) END FOR
(6) ${{\text{p}}_g} \leftarrow {{\text{p}}_j}$,其中$j \leftarrow \arg {{\rm max}_i} \;{\rm{fit}}({{\text{p}}_i}), i = 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , N$ //${{\text{p}}_g}$為所有
粒子的當前最佳位置(7) FOR $ k \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , M $ DO //$M$為迭代次數(shù) (8) FOR $i \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , N$ DO
(9) $\begin{gathered} {{\text{v}}_{i + 1}} \leftarrow {{\text{v}}_i} + {c_1}{r_1}({{\text{p}}_i} - {{\text{s}}_i}) \\ \quad\ \ + {c_2}{r_2}({{\text{p}}_g} - {{\text{s}}_i}) \\ \end{gathered} $(10) ${{\text{s}}_{i + 1}} \leftarrow {{\text{s}}_i} + {{\text{v}}_{i + 1}}$ (11) IF ${\rm{fit}}({\text{s}}{}_{i + 1}) > {\rm{fit}}({\text{p}}{}_{i + 1}) $ THEN (12) ${{\text{p}}_i} \leftarrow {{\text{s}}_{i + 1}}$ (13) END IF (14) END FOR (15) ${{\text{p}}_g} \leftarrow {{\text{p}}_j}$ 其中$j \leftarrow \arg {{\rm max}_i} \;{\rm{fit}}({{\text{p}}_i})$ (16) END FOR (17) FOR $i \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , d $ DO (18) IF ${{\text{p}}_{{}_{gi}}} > 0.5 $ THEN (19) $B \leftarrow B \cup \{ {a^{(i)}}\} $ //${a^{(i)}}$是${{\text{p}}_{{}_{gi}}}$對應的特征 (20) END IF (21) END FOR (22) RETURN $B$ 下載: 導出CSV
表 2 輸入空間擾動算法
輸入:$A$ //${\text{w}}$從大到小排序后對應的特征 $B$ //顯著性特征 ${{\text{X}}_0}$ //原始樣本 輸出:$\Delta {\text{X}} $ //對抗樣本的擾動 (1) $N = \left| B \right|, \Delta {\text{X}} = {\text{0}}$ //$N$為$B$的特征數(shù),$\Delta {\text{X}} $的大小與${{\text{X}}_0}$相
同,且所有特征的初始值為0(2) FOR $ i \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , N$ DO (3) $k \leftarrow {\rm index}({b^{(i)}})$ //$k$為$B = ({b^{(1)}}, {b^{(2)}}, ·\!·\!· , {b^{(n)}})$在特征空
間的特征索引(4) $I \leftarrow {\rm component}(k)$ // $I$為特征空間的第$k$個特征對應
的“輸入空間特征集”(5) $\sigma \leftarrow \delta (\theta , \lambda , I, {{\text{X}}_0})$//$\delta ( \cdot )$由式(11)得到 (6) FOR $j \leftarrow 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , \left| I \right| $ DO (7) $\Delta {\text{X}}(j) \leftarrow \Delta {\text{X}}(j) + \sigma $ (8) END FOR (9) END FOR (10) RETURN $\Delta {\text{X}} $ //對抗樣本的擾動 下載: 導出CSV
表 3 測試集中各個手寫體的分類準確率(%)
手寫體數(shù)字 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 準確率 98.88 98.94 95.16 95.74 96.13 92.71 97.18 94.65 93.94 93.76 下載: 導出CSV
表 4 不同擾動量下各類手寫體數(shù)字的平均分類正確率(%)
手寫體數(shù)字 擾動前 1%擾動 3%擾動 5%擾動 7%擾動 0 98.88 95.32 75.37 37.44 10.17 1 98.94 96.48 31.93 13.57 1.21 2 95.16 84.54 72.14 64.93 58.65 3 95.74 81.76 67.89 50.22 30.74 4 96.13 92.44 42.98 8.76 0.39 5 92.71 89.38 55.73 18.37 5.65 6 97.18 94.63 70.64 30.58 12.33 7 94.65 91.71 69.87 32.43 17.47 8 94.65 94.13 78.21 35.38 13.58 9 93.94 90.85 52.73 27.64 6.53 下載: 導出CSV
表 5 不同擾動比例下各對象的平均分類正確率(%)
人臉序號 1%擾動 3%擾動 5%擾動 7%擾動 1 95.12 90.02 68.82 38.63 2 87.68 71.13 54.98 29.22 3 91.19 81.57 58.13 29.16 4 89.43 75.27 52.29 21.09 5 90.78 79.27 43.55 26.87 6 87.91 71.62 60.14 21.33 7 83.26 41.12 15.67 8.31 8 92.43 70.22 47.93 29.83 9 91.33 75.71 46.62 28.11 10 94.66 81.73 57.45 30.13 11 82.63 68.20 30.79 10.32 12 98.78 81.17 66.05 37.16 13 72.65 57.27 33.48 6.37 14 85.17 63.33 49.78 7.91 15 97.5 89.85 70.21 29.84 下載: 導出CSV
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