doi: 10.11999/JEIT180728
國(guó)家衛(wèi)星氣象中心 北京 100081
Missing Telemetry Data Prediction Algorithm via Tensor Factorization
National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China
- 極軌衛(wèi)星 /
- 遙測(cè)數(shù)據(jù) /
- 缺失數(shù)據(jù)預(yù)測(cè) /
- 張量分解
Abstract:Satellite health monitoring is an important concern for satellite security, for which satellite telemetry data is the only source of data. Therefore, accurate prediction of missing data of satellite telemetry is an important forward-looking approach for satellite health diagnosis. For the high-dimensional structure formed by the satellite multi-component system, multi-instrument and multi-monitoring index, the Tensor Factorization based Prediction (TFP) algorithm for missing telemetry data is proposed. The proposed algorithm surpasses most existing methods, which can only be applied to low-dimensional data or specific dimension. The proposed algorithm makes accurate predictions by modeling the telemetry data as a Tensor to integrally utilize its high-dimensional feature; Computing the component matrixes via Tensor Factorization to reconstruct the Tensor which gives the predictions of the missing data; An efficient optimization algorithm is proposed to implement the related tensor calculations, for which the optimal parameter settings are strictly theoretically deduced. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm has better prediction accuracy than the most existing algorithms.
Key words:
- Satellite /
- Telemetry data /
- Missing data prediction /
- Tensor factorization
算法1:TFP算法 輸入:數(shù)據(jù)集$ {\cal X}\in {{\mathbb{R}}^{{{I}_{1}}\times {{I}_{2}}\times \cdots \times {{I}_{N}}}}$; 輸出:訓(xùn)練后的成分矩陣$ {{ A}^{\left(j \right)}}$ (j=1 to N) 隨機(jī)初始化成分矩陣$ {{ A}^{\left( j \right)}}$(j=1 to N) Repeat For each $ { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}\left( {1 \le j \le N,1 \le {i_j} \le {I_j},1 \le r \le R} \right)$ If $ g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} \cdot g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1}} > 0$ $ \delta _{ {i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} = {\rm{min} }\left( {\delta _{ {i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1} } \cdot {\eta ^ + },{\rm{MaxSize}}} \right)$ $ { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t + 1}} = { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} - {\rm{sign}}\left( {g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t}} \right) \cdot \delta _{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t}$ Else If $ g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)} \cdot g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{\rm{'}} < 0$ $ \delta _{ {i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} = {\rm{max} }\left( {\delta _{ {i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1} } \cdot {\eta ^ - },{\rm {MinSize}}} \right)$ If $ L{|_t} > L{|_{t - 1}}$ $ { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t + 1}} = { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} + {\rm{sign}}\left( {g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1}}} \right) \cdot \delta _{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1}}$ $ L{|_t} = 0$ End If Else $ \delta _{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} = \delta _{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t - 1}}$ $ { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_{t + 1}} = { A}_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t} - {\rm{sign}}\left( {g_{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t}} \right) \cdot \delta _{{i_j}r}^{\left( j \right)}{|_t}$ End If End For Until $ L \le \varepsilon $ or maximum iterations exhausted 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 1 TFP算法與其它5個(gè)方法的對(duì)比
方法 數(shù)據(jù)密度5% 數(shù)據(jù)密度10% 數(shù)據(jù)密度20% 數(shù)據(jù)密度50% MAE RMSE MAE RMSE MAE RMSE MAE RMSE NMF 0.6175 1.5789 0.6007 1.5485 0.5986 1.5233 0.4870 1.4847 PMF 0.5687 1.4792 0.4984 1.2842 0.4492 1.1855 0.4006 1.0820 UPCC 0.6204 1.4010 0.5513 1.3139 0.4875 1.2343 0.3114 1.0749 IPCC 0.6886 1.4278 0.5908 1.3245 0.4454 1.2094 0.2895 1.1724 TA 0.6239 1.4058 0.5360 1.3045 0.4496 1.2030 0.2106 1.0988 TFP 0.3815 0.9469 0.3073 0.7597 0.2270 0.5619 0.1235 0.3150 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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