doi: 10.11999/JEIT180587
云南大學信息學院 ??昆明 ??650500
云南大學數(shù)學與統(tǒng)計學院 ??昆明 ??650500
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61472345, 61762091, 11663007),云南省教育廳科學研究基金(2017ZZX228)
Supervised Learning Based Truthful Auction Mechanism Design in Cloud Computing
School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61472345, 61762091, 11663007), The Scientific Research Foundation of Department of Education of Yunnan Province (2017ZZX228)
摘要: 使用拍賣方式來進行資源分配可以使得資源提供商獲得更大的收益,是云計算領(lǐng)域近年來研究的重點之一。但資源分配問題是NP難的,無法在多項式時間內(nèi)求解,現(xiàn)有研究主要通過近似算法或啟發(fā)式算法來實現(xiàn)資源分配,但存在算法耗時長,與最優(yōu)解相比準確度低的缺點。監(jiān)督學習中分類及回歸思想可對多維云資源分配問題進行建模和分析,針對不同問題規(guī)模,該文提出基于線性回歸、邏輯回歸、支持向量機的3種資源分配算法,并且基于臨界值理論設(shè)計了支付價格算法,從而確保拍賣機制的可信性。在社會福利、分配準確率、算法執(zhí)行時間、資源利用率等多個方面進行測試分析,取得了很好的效果。
- 云計算 /
- 資源分配 /
- 機制設(shè)計 /
- 監(jiān)督學習
Abstract: Auction based resource allocation can make resource provider get more profit, which is a major challenging problem for cloud computing. However, the resource allocation problem is NP-hard and can not be solved in polynomial time. Existing studies mainly use approximate algorithms or heuristic algorithms to implement resource allocation in auction, but these algorithms have the disadvantages of low computational efficiency or low allocate accuracy. In this paper, the classification and regression of supervised learning is used to model and analyze multi-dimensional cloud resource allocation, for the different scale of problem, three resource allocation predict algorithms based on linear regression, logistic regression and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are proposed. Through the learning of the small-scale training set, the predict model can guarantee that the social welfare, allocation accuracy, and resource utilization in the feasible solution are very close to the optimal allocation solution. The payment price algorithm based on the critical value theory is proposed which ensure the truthful property of the auction mechanism design. Final experimental results show that the proposed scheme has good effect for resource allocation in cloud computing.-
Key words:
- Cloud computing /
- Resource allocation /
- Mechanism design /
- Supervised learning
表 1 基于臨界值的價格計算算法(CV-PAY)
輸入 所有用戶的需求信息集:${R} = \{ R_{}^{(1)}\,R_{}^{(2)}\, ·\!·\!· \,R_{}^{(m)}\} $ 監(jiān)督學習算法對資源分配的預(yù)測結(jié)果:
${PD} = ({\rm{pd}}_{}^{(1)}\,{\rm{pd}}_{}^{(2)}\, ·\!·\!· \,{\rm{pd}}_{}^{(m)})$每類虛擬資源的容量:${C} = ({c_1}\;\;\;{c_2}\;\;\; ·\!·\!· \;\;\;{c_n})$ 輸出 被選中的用戶需要支付的價格,
${Pay} = ({\rm pay}_{}^{(1)}\,{\rm{pay}}_{}^{(2)}\, ·\!·\!· \,{\rm{pay}}_{}^{(m)})$(1) ${{PD}^{\rm{*}}} \leftarrow 0$ (2) $\delta \leftarrow {10^{{\rm{ - }}6}}$ (3) for each $i \leftarrow \{ i|{\rm{pd}}_{}^{(i)} \in {PD}, {\rm{pd}}_{}^{(i)}{\rm{ = 1}}\} $ do (4) ${\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)} \leftarrow b_{}^{(i)};{\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)'} \leftarrow 0\;\;\;\;;\;\;\;b_{}^{(i)} \leftarrow ({\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)} + {\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)'})/2$ (5) while (${\rm{|pay}}_{}^{(i)}{\rm{ - pay}}_{}^{(i)'}{\rm{| > }}\delta $) do (6) 運行LN-ALLOC, LG-ALLOC或SVM-ALLOC求解
出新的資源分配解${P}{{D}^{\rm{*}}}$(7) if ${\rm{pd}}_{}^{(i)}{\rm{ = }}1\;\;\;,{\rm{pd}}_{}^{(i)} \in {P}{{D}^{\rm{*}}}$ (8) ${\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)} \leftarrow b_{}^{(i)};b_{}^{(i)} \leftarrow ({\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)} + {\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)'})/2$ (9) else (10) ${\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)'} \leftarrow b_{}^{(i)};b_{}^{(i)} \leftarrow ({\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)} + {\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)'})/2$ (11) end if (12) end while (13) ${Pay} \leftarrow {Pay} \cup {\rm{pay}}_{}^{(i)}$ (14) end for (15) return ${Pay}$ 下載: 導出CSV
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