doi: 10.11999/JEIT180468
北京工業(yè)大學信息學部 ??北京 ??100124
北京航空航天大學電子信息工程學院 ??北京 ??100037
中國科學院國家天文臺月球與深空探測重點實驗室 ??北京 ??100101
Progress in Research on Marine Oil Spills Detection Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100037, China
National Astronomical Observatories, Key Laboratory of Lunar Science and Deep-Exploration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:Marine oil spill pollution is a serious threat to the marine ecological environment, human life and economic development. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) becomes one of the main technologies for marine oil film detection because of its all-weather and high sensitivity observation capability. This article first introduces the research progress of oil film detection technology on single polarimetric, fully polarimetric and compact polarimetric SAR technologies, based on the basic principle of SAR oil slick detection. Then the main difficulties and challenges encountered in the current research are analyzed. Finally, the broad prospects for the future development of this technology are forecasted.
Key words:
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) /
- Polarimetry /
- Oil spill /
- Classification
表 1 常用單極化SAR油膜特征
強度特征 形態(tài)學特征 紋理特征* 環(huán)境特征 油膜后向散射強度(${\mu _{{\rm{obj}}}}$) 面積(A) 同質(zhì)性(Homogeneity) 距海岸距離 油膜后向散射方差(${\sigma _{{\rm{obj}}}}$) 周長(P ) 對比度(Contrast) 距最近黑斑距離 油膜周圍后向散射(${\mu _{{\rm{sce}}}}$) 復(fù)雜度(C ) 差異度(Dissimilarity) 周圍黑斑數(shù)量 灰度比(${\mu _{{\rm{obj}}}}/{\mu _{{\rm{sce}}}}$) 不對稱性 熵(Entropy) 周圍船只數(shù)量 方差比(${\sigma _{{\rm{obj}}}}/{\sigma _{{\rm{sce}}}}$) 歐拉數(shù) 均值(Mean) … ISRI(${\mu _{{\rm{obj}}}}/{\sigma _{{\rm{obj}}}}$) 形狀指數(shù) 方差(Variance) ISRO(${\mu _{{\rm{obj}}}}/{\sigma _{{\rm{sce}}}}$) 軸線長度 相關(guān)性(Correlation) 油膜最小灰度值(MSV) 緊致度 最大對比度(${\sigma _{{\rm{sce}}}}$-MSV) 邊緣梯度 注:紋理特征通過灰度共生矩陣(Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix, GLCM)得到 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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