doi: 10.11999/JEIT180408
重慶郵電大學通信與信息工程學院 ??重慶 ??400065
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61571073),國家科技重大專項(2016ZX03001010-004)
Joint Clustering and Content Deployment Algorithm for Cellular D2D Communication Based on Delay Optimization
School of Communication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
Funds: The National Science Foundation of China (61571073), The National Science and Technology Specific Project of China (2016ZX03001010-004)
摘要: 針對蜂窩網絡傳輸性能及基站(BS)緩存能力受限,多用戶內容請求難以滿足用戶服務質量(QoS)需求等問題,該文提出一種蜂窩終端直通(D2D)通信聯合用戶關聯及內容部署算法。考慮到位于特定區(qū)域的多用戶可能對于相同內容存在內容請求,該文引入成簇思想,提出一種成簇及內容部署機制,通過為各簇頭推送熱點內容,而簇成員基于D2D通信模式關聯簇頭獲取所需內容,可實現高效內容獲取。綜合考慮成簇數量、用戶關聯簇頭、簇頭緩存容量及傳輸速率等限制條件,建立基于用戶總業(yè)務時延最小化的聯合成簇及內容部署優(yōu)化模型。該優(yōu)化問題是一個非凸的混合整數優(yōu)化問題,該文運用拉格朗日部分松弛法,將原優(yōu)化問題等價轉換為3個凸優(yōu)化的子問題,并基于迭代算法及Kuhn-Munkres算法聯合求解各子問題,從而得到聯合成簇及內容部署優(yōu)化策略。最后通過MATLAB仿真驗證所提算法的有效性。Abstract: Due to the limited transmission performance of cellular network and the buffering capabilities of the Base Station (BS), it is very difficult to achieve the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of multi-user content requests. In this paper, a joint user association and content deployment algorithm is proposed for cellular Device-to-Device (D2D) communication network. Assuming that multiple users located in a specific area may have content requests for the same content, a clustering and content deployment mechanism is presented in order to achieve efficient content acquisition. A joint clustering and content deployment optimization model is formulated to minimize total user service delay, which can be solved by Lagrange partial relaxation, iterative algorithm and Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, and the joint clustering and content deployment optimization strategies can be obtained. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by MATLAB simulation.
表 1 聯合用戶關聯及內容部署算法
(1) 確定L種簇頭組合策略; (2) for $l = 1$,針對第$l$種簇頭組合策略; (3) 設置最大迭代次數${T^{\ \max }}$和最大容忍值$\varepsilon $; (4) 初始化拉格朗日因子${\eta _{i,j,k}},\;{\varphi _{i,j,k}},\;{\theta _{i,j,k}}$; (5) 重復主程序; (6) 求解用戶關聯子問題得到局部變量值${\delta _{i,j}}$; 求解內容部署子問題得到局部變量值${\beta _{j,k}}$; 求解聯合優(yōu)化子問題得到局部變量值${\alpha _{i,j,k}}$; (7) 更新拉格朗日因子; ${\eta _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) = {\left[ {{\eta _{i,j,k}}(t) - {\omega _1}\left( {{\alpha _{i,j,k}}(t) + 1 - {\delta _{i,j}}(t) - {\beta _{j,k}}(t)} \right)} \right]^ + },$ ${\varphi _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) = {\left[ {{\varphi _{i,j,k}}(t) - {\omega _2}\left( {{\delta _{i,j}}(t) - {\alpha _{i,j,k}}(t)} \right)} \right]^ + },$ ${\theta _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) = {\left[ {{\theta _{i,j,k}}(t) - {\omega _3}\left( {{\beta _{j,k}}(t) - {\alpha _{i,j,k}}(t)} \right)} \right]^{\rm{ + }}};$ (8) 若$ \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^M \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^M \sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^K \left[ \left| {{\eta _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) - {\eta _{i,j,k}}(t)} \right| \right. $ $\left.+ \left| {{\varphi _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) - {\varphi _{i,j,k}}(t)} \right| + \left| {{\theta _{i,j,k}}(t + 1) - {\theta _{i,j,k}}(t)} \right| \right] \le \varepsilon $ ; (9) 算法收斂; 返回 $\delta _{i,j}^{\left( l \right) * }{\rm{ = }}{\delta _{i,j}},\beta _{j,k}^{\left( l \right) * }{\rm{ = }}{\beta _{j,k}},\alpha _{i,j,k}^{\left( l \right) * }{\rm{ = }}{\alpha _{i,j,k}};$ (10) 否則 $t = t + 1$; (11) 重復步驟(6)—步驟(10),直到算法收斂或$t = {T^{\ \max }}$;
(12) $l = l + 1$,重復步驟(5)—步驟(11),得到$\delta _{i,j}^{\left( l \right)*},\;\beta _{j,k}^{\left( l \right) * },\;\alpha _{i,j,k}^{\left( l \right) * }$及${D^{\left( l \right) * }}$,直至$l = L$;(13) 比較$L$種簇頭組合下的最優(yōu)業(yè)務時延,選擇最優(yōu)用戶關聯及內容部署優(yōu)化策略,即$\left\{ {\delta _{i,j}^{\left( l \right) * },\beta _{j,k}^{\left( l \right) * },\alpha _{i,j,k}^{\left( l \right) * }} \right\} = \arg \min {D^{\left( l \right) * }}。$ 下載: 導出CSV
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