doi: 10.11999/JEIT180274
重慶郵電大學通信與信息工程學院 ??重慶 ??400065
重慶高校市級光通信與網絡重點實驗室 ??重慶 ??400065
Energy Saving Mechanism with Offload Delay Aware in Cloudlet Enhanced Fi-Wi Access Network
School of Telecommunication and Information Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
Key Laboratory of Optical Communication and Network, Chongqing 400065, China
- 光無線融合網絡 /
- 移動邊緣計算 /
- 節(jié)能 /
- 卸載協(xié)同休眠
Abstract:In cloudlet enhanced Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) access network, there is a problem that the traditional energy saving mechanism does not match the offload traffic. An offload collaboration sleep mechanism with load transfer is proposed. By analyzing the load of the optical network unit and combining the transmission delay of the multi-hop in the wireless domain and the sending time of the report frame of the target optical network unit, the proposed mechanism can determine the sleeping and the destination optical network unit to complete load transfer. Then, the optical network unit jointly considers the arrival time of the returned data of the edge severs and the sending time of the control frame in the wireless domain to select the optimal sleep duration and reduce the controlling overhead. Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively reduce the network energy consumption while ensuring the delay performance of offload traffic.
表 1 仿真參數設置
參數設定 參數數值 ONU數目N(個) 16 STA數目M(個) 50 ONU活躍狀態(tài)能耗(W) 5.052 ONU休眠狀態(tài)能耗(W) 0.750 STA活躍狀態(tài)能耗(W) 0.900 STA休眠狀態(tài)能耗(W) 0.300 平均卸載分組大小(kB) 163.6 ONU間保護時隙(μs) 46.000 STA間保護時隙(μs) 10.000 控制幀時隙(μs) 0.512 下載: 導出CSV
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