doi: 10.11999/JEIT170807
(南京理工大學電子工程與光電技術學院 南京 210094) ②(中國船舶重工集團公司南京船舶雷達研究所 南京 210000)
APG-MUSIC Algorithm Based on Sparse Sampling Array Optimization
(School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61401204), The Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M601813), The Science and Technology Project of Jiangsu Province (BY2015004-03)
摘要: 針對稀疏陣列下2維波達方向(DOA)估計問題,該文提出一種基于稀疏采樣陣列優(yōu)化的加速逼近梯度(APG)算法與多重信號分類(MUSIC)算法相結合的2D-DOA估計方法。首先,建立稀疏陣列下的2D-DOA估計信號模型,并證明其具備低秩特征,滿足零空間性質(NSP)。其次,為提高稀疏陣列下矩陣填充方法重構接收信號矩陣性能和以此為基礎的2D-DOA估計精度,提出基于遺傳算法(GA)的稀疏采樣陣列優(yōu)化方法。最后,將APG和MUSIC算法相結合,在重構完整平面陣列接收信號矩陣的基礎上完成2維波達方向估計。計算機仿真結果表明,該方法在保證2維波達方向估計精度前提下,大幅提高陣元利用率,有效降低空間譜平均旁瓣,與常規(guī)2D-DOA估計方法相比具有優(yōu)勢。
- 稀疏采樣陣列優(yōu)化 /
- 矩陣填充 /
- 2維波達方向估計 /
- 遺傳算法
Abstract: A novel Two Dimension Direction Of Arrive (2D-DOA) estimation method based on sparse sampling array optimization is proposed, which is combined with Accelerated Proximal Gradient (APG) and MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC). First, a 2D-DOA estimation signal model for sparse array is established, and its low rank feature and Null Space Property (NSP) are analyzed. Then, a sparse sampling array optimization method based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) is studied to enhance the performance of Matrix Completion (MC) and DOA. Finally, APG and MUSIC are employed to reconstruct the received signal matrix and estimate the direction of wave arrived, respectively. Computer simulation results show that the proposed method improves the utilization rate of array and reduces the average side lobe of spatial spectrum effectively, compared with the conventional 2D-DOA methods. -
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