doi: 10.11999/JEIT170765
國家自然科學基金(71110107026, 71331005, 91546201, 11671379, 111331012),中國科學院大學資助項目(Y55202LY00)
Ordered Code-based Kernel Extreme Learning Machine for Ordinal Regression
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (71110107026, 71331005, 91546201, 11671379, 111331012), The Grant of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y55202LY00)
摘要: 順序回歸是機器學習領域中介于分類和回歸之間的有監(jiān)督問題。在實際中,許多帶有序關系標簽的問題都可以被建模成順序回歸問題,因此順序回歸受到眾多學者的關注?;跇O限學習機(ELM)的算法能有效避免因迭代過程陷入的局部最優(yōu)解,減少訓練時間,但基于極限學習機的算法在順序回歸問題上的研究較少。該文將核極限學習機與糾錯輸出編碼相結合,提出了一種基于有序編碼的核極限學習順序回歸模型。該模型有效解決了如何在順序回歸中取得良好的特征映射以及如何避免傳統(tǒng)極限學習機中隱層節(jié)點個數(shù)依賴于人工設置的問題。為驗證提出模型的有效性,該文在多個順序回歸數(shù)據(jù)集上進行了測試,測試結果表明,相比于傳統(tǒng)ELM模型,該文提出的模型在準確率上平均提升了10.8%,在數(shù)據(jù)集上預測表現(xiàn)最優(yōu),而且獲得了最短的訓練時間,從而驗證了模型的有效性。Abstract: Ordinal regression is one of the supervised learning issues, which resides between classification and regression in machine learning fields. There exist many real problems in practice, which can be modeled as ordinal regression problems due to the ordering information between labels. Therefore ordinal regression has received increasing interest by many researchers recently. The Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)-based algorithms are easy to train without iterative algorithm and they can avoid the local optimal solution; meanwhile they reduce the training time compared with other learning algorithms. However, the ELM-based algorithms which are applied to ordinal regression have not been exploited much. This paper proposes a new ordered code-based kernel extreme learning ordinal regression machine to fill this gap, which combines the kernel ELM and error correcting output codes effectively. The model overcomes the problems of how to get high quality feature mappings in ordinal regression and how to avoid setting the number of hidden nodes by manual. To validate the effectiveness of this model, numerous experiments are conducted on a lot of datasets. The experimental results show that the model can improve the accuracy by 10.8% on average compared with traditional ELM-based algorithms and achieve the state- of-the-art performance with the least time.
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