doi: 10.11999/JEIT170301
(湖南大學電氣與信息工程學院 長沙 410082) ②(湘潭大學信息工程學院 湘潭 411105)
Multi-objective Cross Section Projection Otsu's Method Based on Memory Knetic-molecular Theory Optimization Algorithm
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
(College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573299), The Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2016JJ3125), The Foundation of Hunan Educational Committee (15C1327)
摘要: 傳統(tǒng)截面投影Otsu法后處理過程中的閾值Q為預先設定的常量,對含噪程度不同的圖像普適性較差。該文提出一種基于記憶分子動理論優(yōu)化算法的多目標截面投影Otsu法。該方法將閾值Q作為變量,結合分割閾值T,基于最大類間方差和最大峰值信噪比準則建立多目標圖像分割模型,以兼顧圖像分割的準確性和抗噪性;為免閾值增加而影響算法效率,將人工記憶原理引入分子動理論優(yōu)化算法,設計了一種基于記憶分子動理論優(yōu)化算法的多目標圖像分割模型求解方法。實驗表明:該方法分割準確、抗噪性強、魯棒性好,對含不同噪聲的圖像更具普適性。
- 圖像分割 /
- 最大類間方差 /
- 多目標優(yōu)化 /
- 分子動理論優(yōu)化算法 /
- 記憶原理
Abstract: The threshold value of Q in the post process of traditional cross section projection Otsus method is a constant, which is not universal applicability for images with different noises. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a multi-objective cross section projection Otsu's method based on memory knetic-molecular theory ptimization algorithm. Based on the maximum between-class variance criterion and the maximum Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) criterion, a multi-objective image segmentation model is established to take into account the segmentation accuracy and anti-noise capability for image segmentation by combining threshold Q with segmentation threshold T. In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, a memory knetic-molecular theory optimization algorithm is proposed for the multi-objective cross section projection Otsu's method by introducing the artificial memory principles into knetic-molecular theory optimization algorithm. The experimental results show that this method has significant advantages in segmentation accuracy, anti-noise capability and robustness, and is more universal applicability for images with different noises. -
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