doi: 10.11999/JEIT170295
(空軍預警學院 武漢 430019) ②(94535部隊 徐州 221005)
國家自然科學基金青年基金(61501505, 61501506),湖北省自然科學基金(2015CFB607)
Persymmetric Detectors Without Training Data for Colocated MIMO Radar
(Air Force Early Warning Academy, Wuhan 430019, China)
(The Unit 94535 of PLA, Xuzhou 221005, China)
The National Natoural Science Foundation of China (61501505, 61501506), The Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation (2015CFB607)
摘要: 傳統(tǒng)集中式多輸入多輸出(MIMO)雷達自適應檢測器雖然不需要訓練樣本即可實現(xiàn)目標檢測,但在波形采樣數(shù)較少時檢測性能下降明顯。該文利用集中式MIMO雷達噪聲協(xié)方差矩陣的斜對稱結構,基于廣義似然比(Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test, GLRT)準則和Wald準則,提出了相應的斜對稱檢測器,并給出了統(tǒng)計分布特性及檢測概率和虛警概率的解析表達式。仿真結果表明所提檢測器在波形采樣數(shù)較少時仍可獲得較好的檢測性能,同時證明了理論分析的正確性。
- 多輸入多輸出雷達 /
- 統(tǒng)計性能 /
- 斜對稱結構
Abstract: The traditional detectors of colocated MIMO radar can detect a target without training data. However, the detection performance is poor with low number of waveform sampling. In this paper, two detectors, based on the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) and Wald test criteria, are given by utilizing the persymmetric structure of the noise covariance matrix of colocated MIMO radar. In addition, the statistical distributions of the proposed detectors are analyzed and the analytical expressions of the probabilities of false alarm and detection are given. Simulation results show that the proposed detectors achieve good performance when the number of waveform sampling is low, and verify the theoretical results.-
Key words:
- MIMO radar /
- Statistical performance /
- Persymmetric structure
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