doi: 10.11999/JEIT170215
Indirect Person Re-identification Based on Support Samples
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61471154), Anhui Province Science and Technology Research (170d0802181)
摘要: 行人再識別就是在無重疊視域多攝像機(jī)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)中,識別出相同的行人。針對來自于不同攝像頭行人圖片存在著視角、光照和尺度變化的問題。該文提出了基于支持樣本間接式匹配的行人再識別方法。該算法首先通過聚類的方法分別提取不同攝像頭下的支持樣本,當(dāng)要對來自不同攝像頭的行人進(jìn)行匹配時,在距離測度的基礎(chǔ)上利用支持樣本分別判別出其所在攝像頭下的行人類別,通過類別的對比判斷是否為同一行人。該方法避免了不同攝像頭下行人圖片直接匹配,有效解決不同攝像頭帶來的視角、光照和尺度問題。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明該文的算法相比一些經(jīng)典算法識別率有一定的提高,并且在數(shù)據(jù)集VIPeR, CAVIAR4ReID和CUHK01上,Rank1分別達(dá)到了43.60%, 41.36%, 43.82%。Abstract: Person re-identification is the identification of the same pedestrian in a multi camera surveillance without overlapping views. Aiming at the problem of the existence of visual angle, illumination and scale change in pedestrian images which from different camera. An indirect person re-identification method is proposed based on the support samples. At first, the algorithm extracts the support samples from different cameras by the clustering method. When it comes to matching pedestrians from different cameras, the support samples are used to distinguish the pedestrians categories under the camera on the basis of the distance metric, by comparing the categories to determine whether the same pedestrian. The method avoids the direct matching of pedestrian images under different cameras, which effectively solve the problem of the existence of visual angle, illumination and scale change in different camera. The experimental results show that the algorithm has a high recognition rate, and on the data set VIPeR, CAVIAR4ReID and CUHK01the, Rank1 reaches 43.60%, 41.36% and 43.82% respectively.
Key words:
- Person re-identification /
- Support samples /
- Indirect matching
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