doi: 10.11999/JEIT161000
(西安電子科技大學計算機學院 西安 710071) ②(河南科技大學信息工程學院 洛陽 471023) ③(國防科學技術大學電子科學與工程學院 長沙 410073) ④(西安電子科技大學雷達信號處理國家重點實驗室 西安 710071)
國家自然科學基金(61271004, 61471286, 61501504)
Built-up Area Detection from PolSAR Images Based on Nonstationarity and Polarization Coherency Coefficient Ratio
(School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi&rsquo
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61271004, 61471286, 61501504)
摘要: 為了提高全極化合成孔徑雷達(PolSAR)圖像中城區(qū)建筑物的檢測精度,該文提出一種基于人造目標散射非平穩(wěn)性和極化相干系數(shù)比的建筑物檢測新方法。該方法首先對PolSAR圖像進行濾波和方位向時頻分解,得到多個子孔徑圖像,然后結合方位向非平穩(wěn)性檢測和極化相干系數(shù)比來判斷某個像素是否為建筑物。該文通過引入一種新的極化相干系數(shù)比從而使獲取的建筑物檢測結果優(yōu)于傳統(tǒng)非平穩(wěn)性檢測方法,能夠有效去除具有布拉格散射的自然地物虛警從而提高檢測精度。星載和機載PolSAR數(shù)據(jù)實驗結果驗證了該方法的有效性。
- 極化合成孔徑雷達 /
- 建筑物檢測 /
- 子孔徑分解 /
- 極化相干系數(shù)比 /
- 非平穩(wěn)性檢測
Abstract: To improve the detection accuracy of urban built-up areas from Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) images, this paper proposes a new built-up area detection method based on nonstationarity and polarization coherency coefficient ratio. Firstly, the PolSAR image is filtered and decomposed into several sub-aperture images along the azimuth direction. Then nonstationarity detection and polarization coherency coefficient ratio are combined to determine the class label of pixels. On the basis of the traditional nonstationarity detection method, this paper introduces a new polarization coherency coefficient ratio to remove the false alarms of natural areas and to improve the overall detection accuracy. Experimental results using spaceborne and airborne PolSAR data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. -
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