doi: 10.11999/JEIT151235
國家自然科學(xué)基金(61501781, 61471103),四川省科技支撐項(xiàng)目(2015GZ0211, 2014GZ0015)
Frequency Diverse Array Radar: Concept, Principle and Application
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61501781, 61471103), Sichuan Provincial Technology Research and Development Fund (2015GZ0211, 2014GZ0015)
摘要: 頻控陣?yán)走_(dá)是近年來提出的一種新體制陣列雷達(dá)技術(shù),它能夠形成具有距離依賴性的發(fā)射波束,克服了傳統(tǒng)相控陣?yán)走_(dá)不能有效控制發(fā)射波束的距離指向問題,并具有很多獨(dú)特的應(yīng)用優(yōu)勢。該文系統(tǒng)地介紹頻控陣?yán)走_(dá)的概念、原理和應(yīng)用特點(diǎn),全面梳理國內(nèi)外關(guān)于頻控陣?yán)走_(dá)技術(shù)的研究文獻(xiàn),系統(tǒng)性地總結(jié)歸納頻控陣概念、基本原理及其雷達(dá)應(yīng)用特點(diǎn)等幾個(gè)方面的研究現(xiàn)狀,并分析頻控陣?yán)走_(dá)未來的應(yīng)用前景和亟待解決的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)問題。
- 頻控陣 /
- 頻控陣?yán)走_(dá) /
- 陣列設(shè)計(jì) /
- 相控陣 /
- 新體制雷達(dá)
Abstract: Frequency Diverse Array (FDA) radar is a new radar technique proposed in recent years. FDA uses a small frequency increments across its array elements to provide a range-dependent transmit beampattern, which overcomes the disadvantages of a phased-array providing range-independent beampattern, and offers many promising advantages for radar applications. This paper introduces the concepts, principles and application characteristics of FDA radar, makes an overview of recent FDA radar literature, and discusses FDA radar promising applications, along with existing technical challenges.-
Key words:
- Frequency Diverse Array (FDA) /
- FDA radar /
- Array design /
- Phased-array /
- New radar scheme
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