The Calculation of Terminal Currents on an Arbitrarily Bended Cable
摘要: 該文給出了架設在地面上的任意彎曲電纜在任意極化平面波照射下,其終端感應電流的通用表達式.該表達式考慮到了大地和電纜彎曲形式對電纜終端感應電流的重要影響.該方法對于電子系統(tǒng)的防護以及電磁兼容分析具有一定指導意義.
- 架空電纜; 任意彎曲電纜; 感應電流
Abstract: In this paper, a unified formulation to determine the terminal currents of an arbitrarily bended cable excited by a plane wave at any polarization angle is presented. Both the influence of the earth and the curve of cable on the terminal currents are considered in this paper. The method given in this paper is of great significance to the reinforcement of the electronic systems and EMC research. -
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