4-pole microwave filters using dual-mode meander suspensive strip line loop resonators
摘要: 該文研制了雙模曲折懸置帶線環(huán)四極微波濾波器。采用全波技術對該種濾波器特性進行的計算表明,它具有優(yōu)良的窄通帶、高選擇性和小體積,與同類型二極濾波器相比,過渡帶更陡峭。采用優(yōu)化設計方法設計出了濾波器電路尺寸,制造了以r=2.8的Teflon為介質基片的濾波器,測試得到的雙模曲折懸置帶線四極濾波器的中心頻率為f0=1.194 GHz,△f=19.4 MHz,通帶插入損耗LP4.3 dB,阻帶衰減Ls50 dB,實驗結果和CAD預測作了比較,兩者基本一致。這種濾波器可望在多種微波系統(tǒng)和移動通信系統(tǒng)中應用。Abstract: The 4-pole microwave filters using dual-mode meander suspensive strip line loop resonators have been developed. The results of the full wave analysis of the filters have shown that 4-pole filters have better performance than the 2-pole fiilters of same type. A 4-pole filter of this type on r= 2.8 Teflon substrate having a bandwidth △f=19.4MHz at the central frequency f0 = 1.194GHz was designed and fabricated. The measured filter performance was compared with the prediction of CAD tool. The agreement was found to be good.
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