Information rate and system capacity of wcdma systems under non-ideal power control
摘要: 根據(jù) WCDMA系統(tǒng)單小區(qū)功率分配算法有解的充要條件,通過將目標信干比抽象為對數(shù)正態(tài)隨機變量的方法,該文得出了非理想功率控制條件下系統(tǒng)容量的定量關系式,為研究非理想功率控制下,VBR(Variable Bit Rate)業(yè)務的速率與 CBR(Constant Bit Rate)和 VBR業(yè)務的用戶容量間的關系提供了一條有效的途徑。分析和數(shù)值計算結(jié)果表明,非理想功率控制對系統(tǒng)性能有著顯著的影響,業(yè)務速率和系統(tǒng)容量之間存在的互換關系??梢愿鶕?jù)不同業(yè)務的性能要求,通過改變業(yè)務參數(shù)來提高系統(tǒng)的適應性,從而提高系統(tǒng)的資源利用率和服務質(zhì)量。Abstract: Starting from the sufficient and necessary condition of existence of solution for power assignment in a single cell WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) system, this paper obtains the system capacity under non-ideal power control through modeling the target SIR(Signal to Interference Ratio) with a log-normal random variable. This provides a criterion for determining the trade-off between the information rate of VBR(Variable Bit Rate) traffic and the capacities of CBR(Constant Bit Rate) and VBR. traffics in mobile communica-tions, Analysis and numerical results show that the system performance is notably declined by non-idea power control, and that the information rate and system capacity are exchangeable. As a result, the system can be adapted to diverse performance requirements for various services by varying the control parameters, then the resource utilization and quality of services of the system can be improved.
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