A Micro Amperometric Immunosensor Based on MEMS
摘要: 該文采用MEMS工藝制備可集成安培酶免疫傳感器,用于人免疫球蛋白IgG的檢測。該傳感器以硅作為基底,鉑作為電極,工作電極敏感面積1mm2。SU-8膠形成的微反應池結構使該傳感器試劑用量僅為l量級。聚吡咯作為酶與電極之間的電子轉移基體聚合于工作電極敏感表面,戊二醛作為交聯(lián)劑進行抗體(羊抗人IgG)的固定??贵w與酶標抗體(辣根過氧化物酶HRP標羊抗人IgG)對人IgG進行特異性夾心識別,通過檢測酶標HRP對底物H2O2催化產(chǎn)生的電流信號實現(xiàn)免疫檢測。該傳感器工作電壓-0.3V,檢測下限5ng/ml,線性范圍5~255ng/ml,響應時間3min,具有響應快、下限低、試劑用量少、微型化、便于集成等優(yōu)點。Abstract: A micro amperometric immunosensor is fabricated to detect human IgG based on MEMS. The Pt electrode is deposited on silicon wafer with the sensitive area of 1 mm2. A micro reacting pool is made of SU-8 polymer and several microlitre reagent was needed. Polypyrrole is electropolymerized on the electrode to transfer the electron between the electrode and the enzyme. Glutaraldehyde is used to bind the antibody on polypyrrole. Human IgG is specifically recognized by goat anti-human IgG and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated goat anti-human IgG in sandwich way. Human IgG is scaled by detecting the current from the catalyzed reaction between HRP and H2O2. With the working potential of #61485;-0.3V, the immunosensor displayed a good linear doseresponse behavior for human IgG concentrations between 5 and 255ng/ml.A low detection limit of 5ng/ml and 3-minute response time are achieved. This micro amperometric immunosensor has many advantages such as fast response time, low detection limit, little reagent, micro bulk and easy integration with IC.
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