A Robust Criterion for Direction of Arriving Estimation Based on Phase Matched Theory
摘要: 文中介紹了一種新的信號方位估計原理--相位匹配原理(PMT),該原理計算簡單、且不受噪聲相關特性的影響。論文提出了一個新的基于矩陣范數的判別準則,該準則極大地改進了方位的估計精度和方差,并保持了算法計算簡單的特點。仿真結果表明改進后的準則在高信噪比下接近MUSIC的估計性能,在低信噪比下卻超過MUSIC估計,而且其估計性能不受未知相關噪聲的影響。
- 相位匹配原理; 波達方向; 未知相關噪聲
Abstract: A new method for Direction of Arriving (DOA) Estimation-Phase Matched Theory (PMT) is introduced, which computation complexity is simple and performance is unaffected by unknown correlated noise. Compared with energy criterion, a robust criterion based on SVD improves the bias and variance of estimation and the simplicity is still kept. Computer simulation shows that the criterions performance approximates MUSIC algorithm at high SNR and exceeds it at low SNR. Specially, this algorithm still has good performance under unknown correlated noise. -
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