A secure group signature scheme
摘要: 對Tseng-Jan(1999)的群簽名方案提出了一種新的偽造攻擊,任何人利用這種攻擊都能偽造出有效的群簽名。針對該文提出的偽造攻擊和Z.C.Li等人(2000)提出的偽造攻擊,對 Tseng-Jan的群簽名方案進(jìn)行了改進(jìn),提出了一種新的安全群簽名方案。新方案不僅能抵抗各種偽造攻擊,而且保留了Tseng-Jan方案的主要優(yōu)點,并且增加了群成員可注銷的特性。
- 密碼學(xué); 群簽名; 偽造攻擊; 可注銷群成員
Abstract: A new forgery attack is proposed to Tseng-Jan s group signature scheme(1999), anyone can produce a valid group signature with this forgery attack. In this paper, a new modified and secure group signature scheme is presented in point of the forgery attacks proposed by this paper and Z.C. Li, et al.(2000). The new scheme can not only resist all kinds of forgery attacks, but also preserve the main merits in Tseng-Jan s scheme. Furthermore, the new scheme can revoke group member according to need. -
W. Lee, C. Chang, Efficient group signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm, IEE Proc.-Comput. Digital Techniques, 1998, 145(1), 15-18.[2]Y.M. Tseng, J. K. Jan, Improved group signature based on discrete logarithm problem, Electronics Letters, 1999, 35(1): 37-38.[3]Y.M. Tseng, J. K. Jan, Reply: Improved group signature scheme based on discrete logarithm problem, Electronics L. etters, 1999, 35(6), 1324-1325[4]Z.C. Li, L. C. K. Hui, et al., Security of Tseng-Jans group signature schemes, Information Processing Letters, 2000, 75(5), 187-189. -
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