A Forward Secure Secret Sharing
摘要: 由于已有的秘密共享方案都不具有前向安全的性質(zhì),該文基于有限域上離散對數(shù)難解問題和強RSA 假設,應用前向安全理論和已有的秘密共享方案特別是Boyd提出的乘法門限方案的思想,提出了一種具有前向安全特性的秘密共享方案。該方案具有子密的可驗證性,能夠檢測偽子密,防止欺詐者;具有子密更新簡便及更新后的子密的可驗證性;具有秘密恢復快捷且能直接恢復時間周期j 的秘密信息及檢測恢復得到的秘密信息是否正確等功效。該文同時還對方案的安全性進行了分析。Abstract: As prior secret sharing can not provide forward-secure. So in this paper a forward secure secret sharing scheme is proposed to achieve security against cheating participants by using multiplicative threshold scheme of Boyd, based on discrete logarithms and the strong RSA assumption. In the scheme participants can update and verify the shares. Security of the scheme is provided under the strong RSA assumption and discrete logarithms.
- 文章訪問數(shù): 2002
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- 被引次數(shù): 0