摘要: 該文簡述了經(jīng)典場論中存在的困難,現(xiàn)代電磁場理論如何在現(xiàn)代數(shù)學方法與現(xiàn)代物理概念的基礎(chǔ)上建立起自恰的理論體系,克服了經(jīng)典場論的困難,求得了麥克斯韋方程組的自恰解。并在此基礎(chǔ)上探討把宏觀與微觀的電動力學銜接起來的可能性。
- 現(xiàn)代電磁場理論; 經(jīng)典電磁場理論; 量子電動力學
Abstract: The difficulties that exist in classical electromagnetic field theory are discussed and it is pointed out that the Maxwell s equation set in classical theory is not self-consistent and only the approximate solutions can be gotten in classical electromagnetic theory. And how to establish the modern electromagnetic field theory based on modern mathematics and concepts of modern physics is given for solving this problem. By the modern electromagnetic theory, the mathematical form for macroscopic electromagnetic field theory is obtained and the exact solutions for electromagnetic field boundary value problem can be gotten. -
宋文淼,現(xiàn)代電磁場理論的數(shù)學基礎(chǔ)-矢量偏微分算子,北京,科學出版社,1999,第3章,第5章[2]N M蓋爾芳特等著,林堅冰譯,廣義函數(shù)I卷,北京,人民教育出版社,1965,第2章[3]宋文淼,張曉娟,王穎,任曉雨,電磁場在矢量波函數(shù)空間的完全射影定理,電波科學學報,1999.14(3)247 253.[4]宋文淼,并矢格林函數(shù)與電磁場的算子理論,合肥,中國科學技術(shù)大學出版社,1991,第5章.[5]Zhang Xiaojuan, Xu Cheng, Song Wenmiao, Calculating higher order imode characteristics of het-eromorphic waveguide by operator theory, Proceeding of 2000 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference .sydney, 2000, 970-974.[6]S. Silaev, Computer simulation of electromagnetic field in the tritron cavities, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Physics Research, A342(1994), 348.[7]張曉娟,基于矢量偏微分算子理論的電磁場本征問題研究及其應(yīng)用,[博士論文],北京,中國科學院電子學研究所,2000.[8]Zhao Pengfei et al..[J].Investigation on Poyntins theorem and wave propagation, 25th IRMMTConference, Beijing.2000,:-[9]黃志洵,超光速研究,北京,科學出版社,1999,第二部分,79-157. -
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