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曾萍 郭瑞芳 馬英杰 高原 趙耿

曾萍, 郭瑞芳, 馬英杰, 高原, 趙耿. 車載自組網(wǎng)中可證明安全的無證書認證方案[J]. 電子與信息學報, 2020, 42(12): 2873-2881. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190883
引用本文: 曾萍, 郭瑞芳, 馬英杰, 高原, 趙耿. 車載自組網(wǎng)中可證明安全的無證書認證方案[J]. 電子與信息學報, 2020, 42(12): 2873-2881. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190883
Ping ZENG, Ruifang GUO, Yingjie MA, Yuan GAO, Geng ZHAO. Provable Security Certificateless Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(12): 2873-2881. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190883
Citation: Ping ZENG, Ruifang GUO, Yingjie MA, Yuan GAO, Geng ZHAO. Provable Security Certificateless Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(12): 2873-2881. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190883


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190883
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61772047)







    郭瑞芳 fang_wankai@163.com

  • 中圖分類號: TN918; TN393.08

Provable Security Certificateless Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc Network

Funds: The National Natural Science Fouundation of China (61772047)
  • 摘要:


  • 圖  1  VANET系統(tǒng)通信模型

    圖  2  方案總的認證計算開銷

    圖  3  批認證時間開銷

    表  1  批認證過程中無效消息查找算法(二分查找算法)

     輸入:List={IDi, Mi, Wi, σi, Ti}
     輸出:InvalidList={ID1, ID2, ···, IDm}
     (1) Function
     (2) batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, low, high)
     (3)  /*Function batchAuth(List, low, high)表示對消息數(shù)組下
        標Index屬于[low, high]的消息進行式(2)所述批認證,成功
     (4)  if (batchAuth(List, Index Low, high)) then
     (5) return true
     (6) else if (low==high)
     (7)   Invalid List.append(List[low])
     (8)   return Invalid List
     (9)   else
     (10)    mid=(low+high)/2
     (11)    batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, low, mid)
     (12)    batch And Search(List, InvalidList, Index, mid+1,
     (13)   end if
     (14)   return InvalidList
     (15)  end if
     (16)  end Function
     (17)  for i:=1 to n do
     (18)   batch And Search(List, InvalidList, i, 1, n)19: end for
    下載: 導出CSV

    表  2  不同方案的計算開銷(ms)

    文獻[12]5Texp+3Th= 0.0253Texp+2Tpar+3Th=8.4273(n+1)Tpar+nTexp+3nTh=4.2163n+4.2110
    下載: 導出CSV

    表  3  不同方案的通信開銷(Byte)

    下載: 導出CSV
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