doi: 10.11999/JEIT190149
吉林大學(xué)通信工程學(xué)院 長(zhǎng)春 130012
吉林農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)信息技術(shù)學(xué)院 ??長(zhǎng)春 ??130018
Research on Channel Selection and Power Control Strategy for D2D Networks
College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
College of Information & Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130018, China
摘要: 針對(duì)D2D通信的資源分配問題,該文研究了D2D信道選擇與功率控制策略。在保證蜂窩用戶服務(wù)質(zhì)量(QoS)的前提下,提出一種基于啟發(fā)式的D2D信道選擇算法,為系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的D2D用戶找到合適的信道復(fù)用資源。同時(shí),利用拉格朗日對(duì)偶方法求解得到D2D用戶最優(yōu)傳輸功率。仿真結(jié)果表明當(dāng)蜂窩用戶與多對(duì)D2D用戶共享信道資源時(shí)能夠大幅度提升系統(tǒng)平均吞吐量。在相同條件下,該算法的性能要明顯優(yōu)于現(xiàn)有算法。
- D2D通信 /
- 信道選擇 /
- 功率控制 /
- 拉格朗日對(duì)偶
Abstract: Considering the resource allocation problem for Device-to-Device (D2D) communications, a channel selection and power control strategy for D2D communications is investigated. On the premise of guaranteeing the Quality of Service (QoS) of cellular users, a heuristic based D2D channel selection algorithm is proposed to find the suitable channel reusing resources for D2D users in the system. At the same time, the optimal transmission power of D2D users is obtained by using the Lagrange dual method. Simulation results demonstrate that when the cellular user shares channel resources with multiple pairs of D2D users, the system throughput can be dramatically improved. The performance of this algorithm outperforms the exiting algorithms under the same conditions.-
Key words:
- D2D communications /
- Channel selection /
- Power control /
- Lagrange dual
表 1 基于啟發(fā)式思想的DUEs信道選擇算法
(1)初始化:${D_i} = \varnothing ,\forall i \in C$; ${M_i} = D,\forall i \in C$; $\xi _i^j = 0,\forall i \in C,\forall j \in D$;利用式(11)得到所有DUEs 最優(yōu)的發(fā)射功率$P_{j,i}^{{\rmq7j3ldu95} {\rm{opt}}}$,并求解出與之相對(duì) 應(yīng)的$T(P_{j,i}^{{\rmq7j3ldu95} {\rm{opt}}})$值; (2) repeat (3) $({i^ * },{j^*}) = \mathop {\arg \max }\limits_{(i,j):i \in C,j \in {M_i}} T\;(P_{j,i}^{{\rmq7j3ldu95} {\rm{opt}}})$ // 求解得到吞吐量最大值所對(duì)應(yīng)的CUE${i^ * }$與DUE${j^*}$;
(4) if $\left[ {{{{P^{\rm{c}}}g_{{i^*}}^{\rm{c}}} \Biggr/ {\left( {\sigma _0^2 + \sum\limits_{q \in \left\{ {{D_{{i^*}}} \cup {j^*}} \right\}} {P_{q,{i^*}}^{{\rmq7j3ldu95} {\rm{opt}}}g_{q,{i^*}}^{\rmq7j3ldu95}} } \right)}}} \right] \ge {\gamma _{{\rm{th}}}}$ then // 判斷DUE${j^*}$復(fù)用CUE${i^ * }$信道資源時(shí),CUE${i^ * }$的SINR是否滿足系統(tǒng)限制條件, 當(dāng)滿足限制條件時(shí):(5) set $\xi _{{i^*}}^{{j^*}} = 1$; // 將復(fù)用指示因子$\xi _{{i^*}}^{{j^*}}$的值設(shè)置為1; (6) ${M_i} = {M_i}\backslash \left\{ {{j^*}} \right\},\forall i \in C$;${D_{{i^*}}} = {D_{{i^*}}} \cup \left\{ {{j^*}} \right\}$; // 將DUE${j^*}$從集合${M_i}$中刪除, 同時(shí)將DUE${j^*}$加入到復(fù)用CUE${i^ * }$ 信道資源的DUEs集合 ${D_{{i^*}}}$中; (7) else // 當(dāng)不滿足限制條件時(shí): (8) ${M_{{i^*}}} = {M_{{i^*}}}\backslash \left\{ {{j^*}} \right\}$; // 將DUE${j^*}$從集合${M_{{i^*}}}$中刪除; (9) end if (10) until ${M_i} = \varnothing ,\forall i \in C$ // 當(dāng)集合${M_i}$為空集時(shí)停止運(yùn)行; (11) return ${D_i},\forall i \in C$; $\xi _i^j,\forall i \in C,\forall j \in D$. // 輸出集合${D_i}$及復(fù)用指示因子$\xi _i^j$的值。 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 2 DUEs功率控制算法
(1) 根據(jù)表1對(duì)集合${D_i},\forall i \in C$進(jìn)行初始化; (2) for all $i \in C$ do (3) for all $j \in {D_i}$ do (4) 根據(jù)式(21)—式(23)計(jì)算DUE j傳輸功率$P_{j,i}^{\rmq7j3ldu95}$。 (5) end for (6) end for (7) return $P_{j,i}^d,\forall i \in C,\forall j \in D$. // 輸出DUEs最優(yōu)傳輸功率。 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
表 3 仿真參數(shù)
參數(shù) 數(shù)值 CUEs數(shù)量 30, 40 DUEs數(shù)量 25~60 DUEs間通信距離 30~100 (m) CUEs通信路徑損耗 128.1+37.6lg(d(km)) DUEs通信路徑損耗 148+40lg(d(km)) 噪聲譜密度 –114 dBm/Hz DUEs最小吞吐量限制 1.5 Mbps CUEs傳輸功率 24 dBm 下載: 導(dǎo)出CSV
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