doi: 10.11999/JEIT180747
南京航空航天大學雷達成像與微波光子技術(shù)教育部重點實驗室 ??南京 ??210016
基金項目: 國家自然科學基金(61871217),江蘇省研究生科研與實踐創(chuàng)新計劃(KYCX18_0291)
Sparse ISAR Imaging Exploiting Dictionary Learning
Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics of the Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61871217), The Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX18_0291)
摘要: 鑒于稀疏ISAR成像方法的成像質(zhì)量受到待成像場景的稀疏表示不準確的限制,該文將字典學習(DL)技術(shù)引入到ISAR稀疏成像中,以提升目標成像質(zhì)量。該文給出基于離線DL和在線DL兩種ISAR稀疏成像方法。前者通過已有同類目標ISAR圖像進行學習,獲得更優(yōu)稀疏表示,后者在成像過程中從現(xiàn)有數(shù)據(jù)中通過優(yōu)化獲得稀疏表示。仿真和實測ISAR數(shù)據(jù)成像結(jié)果表明,結(jié)合離線DL和在線DL的成像方法均可獲得比現(xiàn)有方法更優(yōu)的成像結(jié)果,離線DL成像優(yōu)于在線DL成像,而且前者計算效率優(yōu)于后者。Abstract: In view of the imaging quality of sparse ISAR imaging methods is limited by the inaccurate sparse representation of the scene to be imaged, the Dictionary Learning (DL) technique is introduced into ISAR sparse imaging to get better sparse representation of the scene. An off-line DL based imaging method and an on-line DL based imaging method are proposed. The off-line DL imaging method can obtain a better sparse representation via a dictionary learned from the available ISAR images. The on-line DL imaging method can obtain the sparse representation from the data currently considered by jointly optimizing the imaging and DL processes. The results of both simulated and real ISAR data show that the on-line DL imaging method and the off-line dictionary imaging method are both able to better sparsely represent the target scene leading to better imaging results. The off-line DL based imaging method works better than the on-line DL based imaging method with respect to both imaging quality and computational efficiency.
表 1 飛機目標成像性能評價
成像方法 FA MD RRMSE TCR ENT IC 運算時間(s) OMP 89 165 0.1923 57.0203 5.4631 8.0294 116.1757 GKF 86 103 0.2044 55.5930 5.3800 8.1449 1.0058e3 在線DL 74 75 0.1535 57.5629 5.3807 8.2103 52.5790 離線DL 64 70 0.1411 59.0322 5.3685 8.2868 24.8510 下載: 導出CSV
表 2 衛(wèi)星目標成像性能評價
成像方法 FA MD RRMSE TCR ENT IC 運算時間(s) OMP 146 507 0.3736 63.2956 6.4209 9.8099 56.1323 GKF 140 478 0.2550 65.3382 6.3740 10.3843 1.6485e4 在線DL 142 161 0.1765 65.9163 6.6098 9.5039 19.2178 離線DL 122 147 0.1564 67.2506 6.6137 9.6094 4.1543 下載: 導出CSV
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