doi: 10.11999/JEIT170775
國家自然科學(xué)基金(41661092, 61461011),廣西自然科學(xué)基金重點項目(2016GXNSFDA380009),廣西自然科學(xué)基金(2014GXNSFBA118273),廣西無線寬帶通信與信號處理重點實驗室2014/2015年主任基金(GXKL061503),桂林電子科技大學(xué)2017年研究生創(chuàng)新項目(2017YJCX23)
An Improved Multi-baseline InSAR Height Reconstruction Method Based on Interferogram Residues
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41661092, 61461011), The Key Project of Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2016GXNSFDA380009), The Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2014GXNSFBA118273), The Guangxi Wireless Broadband Communication and Signal Processing Key Laboratory 2014/2015 Director Fund Project Grant (GXKL061503), The Guilin University of Electronic Technology 2017 Graduate Students Innovation Project (2017YJCX23)
摘要: 針對不連續(xù)地形難以精確重建地形高程的問題,將干涉圖殘差點和相鄰像素點差異比較相結(jié)合的壞點判斷方法與基于全變分能量函數(shù)的最大后驗估計算法結(jié)合起來,該文提出一種改進(jìn)的多基線InSAR高程重建方法。該方法利用干涉圖殘差點和相鄰像素點差異比較對不連續(xù)點計算原理的不同,對基于全變分能量函數(shù)的最大后驗估計算法重建的預(yù)估地形高程圖進(jìn)行壞點判斷,有效判斷出高程圖不連續(xù)點中由于噪聲或計算誤差引起的壞點,并對預(yù)估地形高程圖中壞點進(jìn)行適當(dāng)加權(quán)更新獲得最終估計的地形高程圖。該文算法在保留基于全變分能量函數(shù)的最大后驗估計算法簡便的優(yōu)點的同時提高了目標(biāo)地形高程的估計精度。最后通過2種不同類型地形的仿真實驗,表明該方法簡單有效。Abstract: This paper proposes an improved multi-baseline InSAR height reconstruction approach to reconstruct height models of discontinuous terrains through combining with the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation based on Total Variation (TV) model energy function and a defective pixel judgment method composed of interferogram residues and comparison of adjacent pixels differences. The proposed method utilizes the difference discontinuous pixels between interferogram residues and comparison of adjacent pixels differences, to make defective pixels judgment from reconstructed terrain graphs obtained by the MAP estimation based on TV model energy function, which estimates efficiently defective pixels caused by errors or noise from discontinuous pixels, and then updates relatively defective pixels to obtain the final terrain height estimation. The presented algorithm not only keeps the convenience of MAP estimation algorithm but also improves estimation precision for height models of objective terrains. Experiences of two different types of terrain show that the proposed approach is efficient as well as valid.
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