Single Channel Circular SAR Moving Targets Detection Based on Background Subtraction Algorithm
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61431018)
摘要: 圓跡SAR(CSAR)作為一種新的對地高分辨率成像方法,兼具長時間觀測以及獲得目標 全向信息的優(yōu)勢。該文利用其長時間觀測的特性,針對單通道圓跡SAR提出一種新的圖像域動目標檢測算法。首先從等多普勒等距離角度分析了動目標信號模型,后給出動目標檢測算法。該方法將原始圖像分為無動目標的背景以及含有動目標的前景圖像,由于靜止背景較動目標變化緩慢,故利用中值濾波器對重疊子孔徑圖像序列沿時間維進行濾波以獲得背景圖像,再利用每幀原始圖像與背景圖像的差來獲得相應(yīng)的含有動目標的前景圖像。機載圓跡SAR數(shù)據(jù)處理結(jié)果說明了該方法的有效性。Abstract: As a new high resolution ground imaging technique, Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar (CSAR) is capable of long time observation and retrieving the information of the targets. By taking the long time observation advantage, a new moving target detecting method is developed based on the single channel CSAR. Moving target signal model is analyzed with equal range equal Doppler equations, then the method is described. This method regards the original SAR image as combination of two images, one is background without moving target, the other one is foreground with moving target. Because the stationary background changes slower than the moving target signal. Thus median filter can be applied to a sequence of overlapping subaperture SAR images along the time to generate the background image. Next, each original frame is used to subtract the background image. Then the moving targets can be obtained. The proposed method is demonstrated on airborne CSAR moving targets dataset.
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