doi: 10.11999/JEIT151259
Multiuser Detection Scheme for SCMA Systems Based on Serial Strategy
Huawei HIRP Project (YB2015040056), The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61201126), New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-11-0058), Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Fund (2012JQ0020), Open Research Fund of the National Laboratory (150C02006)
摘要: 稀疏碼多址接入(SCMA)作為一個前景廣闊的5 G無線空口技術,能夠滿足海量連接的需求。針對現有SCMA通信系統都是基于并行策略的消息傳遞算法(MPA)進行多用戶檢測,存在信息收斂速度不理想的問題,該文提出一種串行策略的多用戶檢測算法。該算法以資源節(jié)點為序,按串行方式依次進行消息更新與傳遞,保證更新的消息能夠立即進入當前迭代過程,改善了消息傳遞的收斂速度,相比并行策略的多用戶檢測算法,降低了算法復雜度;同時,充分利用消息間相互關聯的特點,融合消息傳遞步驟,降低了存儲器的要求。理論與仿真結果表明,該算法在誤比特率(BER)性能與算法復雜度之間可以達到較理想的平衡。Abstract: Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) is a promising air-interface technology for 5 G wireless communication networks, which can enable massive connectivity. The existing multiuser detection schemes are based on a parallel message updating for Message Passing Algorithm (MPA), thus it is not efficient in terms of convergence. In this paper, an efficient multiuser detection scheme for uplink SCMA is proposed based on serial updating of function nodes, messages. Compared to the existing detection schemes, the proposed scheme accelerates the convergence due to that the updated messages can join the belief propagation immediately in current iteration, which avoids being used in the next iteration. Furthermore, the proposed scheme can reduce the storage burden, which fuses message passing process on the basis of the relationship between messages. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme can offer a good trade-off between complexity and Bit Error Rate (BER) performance.
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