Cartesian Coordinates Factorized Back-projection Algorithm for Spotlight SAR
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61301280, 61301292)
摘要: 在局部極坐標系下,快速多級后向投影算法(FFBPA)可以以較低的采樣率對子孔徑成像,但在不同局部極坐標系之間需大量的2維圖像域插值實現(xiàn)圖像融合。相比極坐標系,圖像融合在直角坐標系下更容易實現(xiàn)。但在直角坐標系下進行子孔徑成像的奈奎斯特采樣率較高,這將影響直角坐標系下的成像效率。該文針對此問題提出一種譜壓縮技術,通過對距離時域和距離頻域兩次補償,大幅壓縮了直角坐標系下子孔徑成像的方位譜寬度。該文算法具有堪比原始后向投影算法(BPA)的成像質(zhì)量和優(yōu)于FFBPA的計算效率,且能夠應用于非線性軌道SAR。最后通過星載0.1 m仿真實驗和機載0.2 m實測實驗驗證了算法的有效性。
- 合成孔徑雷達 /
- 后投影算法 /
- 快速多級后向投影算法 /
- 直角坐標多級后向投影算法
Abstract: The Fast Factorized Back-Projection Algorithm (FFBPA) can reconstruct images in low sampling rate in Local Polar Coordinates (LPC). However, massive 2 dimensional image interpolations are required in image fusion from different LPCs. Image fusion is much easier in Cartesian Coordinates (CC), whereas, the Nyquist sampling rate of images in CC is higher, resulting in decline in the efficiency. To solve this problem, a spectrum compressing method is proposed. By compressing in range-time domain and range-frequency domain, the azimuth spectrum is greatly compressed. The image quality of the proposed method is similar to that of Back-Projection Algorithm (BPA) and is superior to that FFBPA. This method can also be used in SAR of nonlinear track. In the end, the validity of this method is proved by spaceborne SAR simulation data of 0.1 m resolution and airborne SAR real data of 0.2 m resolution. -
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