doi: 10.11999/JEIT150626
國家自然科學基金(61302078, 61372108),國家863計劃(2011AA01A102),國家科技重大專項(2011ZX03005-004-02),北京高等學校青年英才計劃項目(YETP0476)
Popularity and Centrality Based Selective Caching Scheme for Information-centric Networks
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61302078, 61372108), The National 863 Program of China (2011AA01A102), The National ST Major Project (2011ZX 03005-004-02), Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project (YETP0476)
摘要: 在信息中心網絡(Information-Centric Network, ICN)中,利用網絡內置緩存提高內容獲取及傳輸效率是該網絡構架最重要的特性。然而,網絡內置的緩存存在應對大量的需要轉發(fā)的內容時能力相對弱小,對內容放置缺乏均衡分布的問題。該文提出基于內容流行度和節(jié)點中心度匹配的緩存策略(Popularity and Centrality Based Caching Scheme, PCBCS),通過對經過的內容進行選擇性緩存來提高內容分發(fā)沿路節(jié)點的緩存空間使用效率,減少緩存冗余。仿真結果表明,該文提出的算法和全局沿路緩存決策方案,LCD(Leave Copy Down)以及參數為0.7及0.3的Prob(copy with Probability)相比較,在服務器命中率上平均減少30%,在命中緩存內容所需的跳數上平均減少20%,最重要的是,和全局沿路緩存決策方案相比總體緩存替換數量平均減少了40%。Abstract: Information-Centric Network (ICN) architectures seek to provide the necessary foundations for a more cost-efficient content acquirement and content distribution using universal in-network caching, also universal in-network caching is a key design principle of many such architectures. Given that caching capacity of ICN is relatively small in comparison to the amount of forwarded content, a key aspect is balanced distribution of content among the available caches. The in-network caching resolution scheme is proposed in this paper, based on content popularity and nodes centrality, called PCBCS. It reduces caching redundancy and in turn, make more efficient utilization of available cache resources along a delivery path through selective caching of content passing. The proposed algorithm is compared with universal on-path caching and Leave Copy Down (LCD), also Prob (copy with probability) scheme with parameter of 0.7 and 0.3. The results show reduction of up to 30% in server hits, and up to 20% in the number of hops required to hit cached contents, but, most importantly, reduction of cache replacements up to 40% in comparison to universal caching.
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