doi: 10.11999/JEIT150546
(北京理工大學機電工程與控制國家重點實驗室 北京 100081) ②(北京宇航系統(tǒng)工程研究所 北京 100076)
Rotation-invariant Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Target Description
(National Laboratory for Mechatronic and Control, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China)
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
The Foundations of General Armament Department, Funds of Beijing Institute of Technology
摘要: 論文為解決旋轉目標圖像匹配問題,提出旋轉不變梯度直方圖(RI-HOG)目標描述方法。RI-HOG描述方法首先將目標區(qū)域等間隔劃分為多個同心圓環(huán)并統(tǒng)計每個圓環(huán)的梯度直方圖(HoG),各圓環(huán)HoG累加的結果作為目標區(qū)域的主方向,再將各圓環(huán)HoG根據主方向旋轉相應角度作主方向歸一化處理,最后把旋轉后的各圓環(huán)HoG按空間順序連接后即生成RI-HOG。對實際采集圖像的仿真結果表明,基于RI-HOG的目標匹配算法在目標旋轉任意角度時依然能夠準確檢測到目標。RI-HOG具有很好的旋轉不變性。Abstract: A rotation-invariant feature descripts method called Rotation Invariant Histogram of Oriented Gradients (RI-HOG) is proposed for automatic target recognition. RI-HOG calculates gradient of image first, then the image window is divided into a set of un-overlapped annular regions, called sells, and the Histogram of Gradient (HoG) is used to calculate a feature vector for each cells. After that the HoG of each circle is accumulated to get the main angle of the target area, and then it is rotated due to the main angle to make a normalization of the main angle. At last, the HoG of each circle after rotating is linked to generate the rotation-invariant target feature vector. Experiment results show that target detection method using RI-HOG can find the target under arbitrary rotations. RI-HOG is a rotation-invariant target feature descriptor.
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