A Fast Arithmetic about Positioning and Identifying Multi-targets in Air
摘要: 針對空中多個目標進行精確定位及識別的特殊應用場合,該文采用了先進的改進不變矩的算法來進行目標的識別。由于不變矩識別對目標輪廓要求很高,該文提出了一種新的具有方向估計性質的形態(tài)學梯度邊緣檢測算子,彌補了現(xiàn)行的同類算子無法估計邊緣方向的缺點;將模糊理論引入該算子,使其更好地抑制噪聲,成功分離目標和背景;提出了一種新的斷點連接及孤點消除的算法,使目標的輪廓更加清晰平滑,并用跟蹤法找到其單像素輪廓線。實驗證明,這種新算法極大地提高了對空中多個目標的識別率,并大大加強了系統(tǒng)的可靠性。Abstract: Aiming at the special situation of positioning and identifying multi-targets in air, this paper has the advanced invariant moment arithmetic to carry out. Because the moments request good quality of identifying, so this paper provides a new morphological gradient image edge detection operator which can estimate orientation, and proves them in theory and practice. There are four element structures with different direction. In these operators, the blurring processing is added, it makes that the operators not only depress the noise in image, but also enhance edges definition. And then it changes the edge detection image into the binary image through the optimal threshold segmentation. It also shows a new simple arithmetic about jointing broken lines. It does not only make the targets contour smooth, but also can find the single pixel boundary with tracking. Through kinds of tests, the identifying rate has been improved, and the dependability has been strengthened.
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