Band Selection Using Divergence of Class-within PCA in Hyperspectral Images Classification
摘要: 波段選擇是去除高光譜圖象段間冗余,實現(xiàn)降維的有效方法。該文提出了一種新的基于分類別主成分分析(PCA)散度的波段選擇方法。即首先對訓練集各類樣本分別進行PCA變換去相關并計算散度,接著分析相應PCA變換系數(shù)獲得對各類樣本分類都重要的原始波段,在綜合考慮波段的相關度,散度和子集規(guī)模的基礎上獲得最終選擇波段。復雜度分析表明該方法較局部尋優(yōu)的前向搜索計算量大為降低,提高了效率,并用高光譜遙感圖象的分類實驗進行了驗證。Abstract: Band selection from multispectral or hyperspectral image data is an effective method to remove redundancy among bands and thus reduce dimension. An efficient algorithm using divergence based class-within principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of corresponding coefficients is proposed. At first, the covariance of each class is diagonalized through PCA transforms on class data respectively, and then the divergence only depends on the summation of individual feature separability of transformed bands. Secondly, after an analysis of corresponding PCA transform coefficients, the candidate bands, original bands essential to classification, are determined by majority vote. At last, the final band subset is obtained by analyzing the dependency and divergence of bands in every subset generated according to the correlations of original band in candidates. Compared with sequential forward selection, the proposed method reduces the computation complexity, and encouraging results have been shown by experiments with an Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data set.
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