Pre-configuration-Cycle Fast Configuration Techniques in Mesh Network
摘要: 該文提出了mesh冗余網(wǎng)絡(luò)中快速配置p-cycle保護(hù)環(huán)的方法。算法從兩個(gè)方面有效地提高配置速度:一方面在一次比較搜索過程中,配置一個(gè)多容量pcycle環(huán),而不是僅配置一個(gè)單位容量環(huán);另一方面,將已有算法基于圈的搜索策略,改進(jìn)為基于通路的搜索策略。這樣可以有效地防止大量的搜索信息匯聚到一個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn),降低配置速度。當(dāng)改為通路搜索后,原來匯聚到一個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的處理,可分散到多個(gè)相鄰節(jié)點(diǎn)進(jìn)行并行處理,這將有效地加快配置速度。通過仿真表明,該鐘法具有同已有算法相當(dāng)?shù)幕謴?fù)率,但所需的搜索趟數(shù)性能卻能獲得大幅度的改善,同時(shí)也不顯著增加備用容量的消耗。結(jié)果表明網(wǎng)絡(luò)規(guī)模越大,本文算法的優(yōu)勢越明顯。Abstract: A new fast distributed p-cycle pre-configuration searching algorithm is proposed in this paper. It can speed up the searching process convergence from two aspects. (1) The multi-p-cycle found by the algorithm within one searching wave should be completed configuration through multi searching waves in classical algorithm. This is the reason why this method faster than classical one. (2) Our algorithm has been changed over from the cycle-based searching to the path-based searching. Using this technique, searching information converged on one node in classical algorithm will be split to its multiple adjacent nodes so reduce the performance requirement of node equipment. The p-cycles searched by the distributed algorithm have been filtered within adjacent node hence the searching process be comes faster. The simulation result also shows that the penalty to spare capacity consumed is very small in our algorithm as well as the obvious benefit on the number of searching wave descent.
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